Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Active Fenric Varkious: The Scarred Bear


Lord of Altera
"We are all part of the same conglomerate that is the universe looking upon itself"
"Change is the nature of existence"
Fenric Varkious
- Me -

Fenric Man.jpg
- Kamaoe -
Fenric Varkious
Full Titles: Ebon Sentinel, Sir, Lord
Nickname/Alias: Fen, Treasure
- Solus -

- Spooksy_ -
Age: around 40
Race: Human
Social Status: Noble
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Height: 6'2
Weight: Lean 170 pounds
Homeland: Born on a small farm at the old continent
Current Home: Somewhere in Halbed
Bulky, tall
Hair: Reddish Brown
Eyes: Green
Skin: Light in color though with a bit more tone, lots of time in the sun
Identifying Marks: Deep scars across his back, and left shoulder. Few tattoos on his left and right arms, elaborate kraken tattoo on his neck
Appearance: Tall, muscular, almost always smoking, alert like an old sailor, subtle scars from combat and salty air
Clothing: Casual: Blue coat with gold trim, white undershirt, striped pants or soft leather breaches, tough leather boots.
Armor: Steel plate armor, Closed Full Helm, Sangrian tabard, Ebon sash
Weaponry: Thôrdil custom steel hand & a half sword with striking spike on the pommel, spiked quillons, dagger ( )
Prized Possessions: Pipe, cutlass, his mind.
Hygiene: Keeps himself clean, smells of tobacco smoke and vanilla
Voice: Low, deep, friendly, gruff, and energetic. Smoking pipe tobacco has evolved his voice overtime.

Strengths: Honesty, Loyalty, Philosophy, Sword Combat, Seamanship
Fears: Creating conflict, Family death, Bear cubs
Weaknesses: Jokes too much
Strategic, Open-Minded, Persistent, Curious, Observant
Languages: Common
Profession: Retired Sentinel


  • BODY : 5

  • MIND : 5

  • SOUL : 2

  • Awareness: 3

  • Ranged: 0

  • Handling: 0

  • Determination: 4
    • + 1 Focus resisting influence from cogimency. Fenric has been mind freaked by Nwalme Fuvur enough to think about what reality is supposed to be.

  • Fortitude: 3
    • + 1 Focus when resisting pain. Fenric grew up tending a farm, getting rope burns from sail pulleys, being cut by swords and shot by arrows. He knows relenting to pain may be what kills him, so he fights till the bitter end.

  • Medicine: 0

  • Might: 3

  • Evasion: 2

  • Stealth: 0

  • Survival: 0

  • Grappling: 3
    • + 1 Focus when grabbing somebody. Fenric has been in a fair share of bouts, fighting in bars and with friends. He knows grabbing someone is a good way to gain the upper hand.

  • Melee: 5
    • + + + 3 Focus using swords. Fenric has trained soldiers to fight, and served in plenty more fights-to-the-death than that. His bastard sword serves him well.

  • Guile: 0

  • Thievery: 0

  • Lore: 0

  • Intimidation: 0

  • Crafting: 0


Loyal, Charming, Wise, Sarcastic, Humorous
Religion or Cults: ???
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Long Term Goals:
To Do~

- Learn herbalism
- Sate thrist for knowledge
- Get back to business
- Help Cymic Seymour Establish Sangria
- Establish stable relations with House Fuvur ✖
- Start a family

The Sea
Pastime: Drinking/Gambling/Joking Around
Food: Steak and clam chowder. Reminds him of bars he used to hang around.
Drink: Tea
Colour: Purple
Animal: Doesn't really care for animals too much.
Least Favourite...
Doing nothing
Food: None. Used to eat hard biscuits and fruit that was too ripe.
Drink: Salt water
Colour: None.
Animal: Rat



- Rum - "I've held ye dear for a long time.. Too long now, seems like. Lately ye've occupied my days, and yer beginning to interfere.. Goodbye, ye' liver kickin tongue tickler, I must rid yer."

- Tavia - "I'm so happy yer back, my dearest angel. I love ye, and yearn for each new moment I make with you.."

- Cymic -
"Like a brother.. I'll have yer back till the end."
Kamao - "Yer a fine lady, doing big things."

- Niko - "Very observant fella, I like conversing with ye and doing business aswell."
Ventare - "Ye've got much potential, and yet not much of an arse like yer father. Hold that girl close, lad."

- Rolan -
"Seems te be a good lad deep down."
Balatro - "Hehe, lad reminds me of my swashbuckling past. Till we meet again." *Fenric raises his pipe*
Iskvandor - "Yer thirst for knowledge intrigues me; keep expanding, Isk.
- Celeste - "A fellow intellect.. And a beautiful mug. I hope to see more of you lass, keep yer mind ripe and acute."

- Malek -
"Strange fella.."
- Will - "Saved me arse before."
- Jacob - "Ye seem alright."
- Victor - "Though ye'd seek te cleave me, I admire yer loyalty.. Next time don't fight in pairs, Aye?"

Unsure of:
- Nwalme
- "I enjoy yer intellectual company, lad, though I can't understand ye."

Wary of

- Ronn -
"Ehg, yer an arsehole. Fight me one on one ye bilgerat bastard.."

- Damon -
"Bastard with no honor."



Fenric grew up on a farm on the old continent, eventually leaving home in pursuit of something more exciting. He discovered shiplife and worked as a rope monkey for his early 20s, eventually graduating through the different roles on a ship. As he grew up, he noticed many shady characters taking jobs upon the ships, and eventually became like them. They started a gang together, and mutinied the captain of a ship that hired them. Despite the chaotic politics upon a ship, Fenric stayed low, off of everybody's radar. He calculated his responses in disputes on what to do and where to go next. They crowned him captain after a disaster with a navy ship nearly sunk them. The standing captain at the time was killed by a direct hit from a cannonball, and if it weren't for Fenric taking command and directing the crew, they may not have escaped alive.

Overtime, the crew which gained this ship through mutiny found themselves in conflict yet again. Politics Fenric himself did not see created clashes beneath the surface of the bond. A crewmate had played his cards, stacking the deck overtime and eventually convincing the crew Fenric was unfit to be captain. He wasn't greedy enough to constantly steal more and more. After an act of piracy, he would be wrecked by guilt and try to convince the crew that they should stay at towns for extended periods of time. He would offer townspeople help, always involving his crew in the process. They thought Fenric was going to get them all caught by the law sticking around too long, and playing goody two shoes. In a particular deed to help the townspeople, the crew was sent to kill a "giant" bear. Only Fenric's first mate Creak and a young deckhand went with Fenric into the woods outside town, and they found bear cubs. Of course, these bear cubs had a mother who was a behemoth, and she killed Creak. Fenric tried his best to fight the bear and avenge his friend, but the bear hit him in the face. The blood blinded him, and he was dazed. The young deckhand fled. The man who they'd offered help found Fenric unconscious in the woods laying next to a trail of blood. He brought Fenric to the doctor and overtime he learned that his crew had left port without him. They stole his ship and left him to die.

Fenric became a grifter, going from bar to bar, drinking heavily, starting fights, never trusting anybody. And then he met a man named Damon who took it too far. They fought, and Damon pulled a sword, stabbing Fenric in the shoulder and battering him with the hilt. He was going to kill Fenric if it weren't for an elf named Cymic. Cymic saved Fenric's life by throwing ash into Damon's eyes, which blinded him and allowed the tavern goers to subdue him. The act enlighten Fenric, showing him that crew spirit he knew when he was first getting into seamanship. From that day forward Fenric aspired to be there for Cymic always, should he ever need help. They started the Sangria Mercenary Company together, and it grew overtime into the house of nobility it is today.

"It is said that the Gods were created from an infinitely paramount force known as Primal Energy.. I've come to believe that us mortals also consist of said energy, yet as a peculiar derivative from our divine patrons. Through rumination, you may draw similarities between us and the gods, finding yourself in agreement with my proclamation. These forces are allegedly shaped by thoughts and ambition, which are mortal concepts.

Ambition, the same attribute that drives us to persist and persevere, could very well be the same trait that drove the Gods to have created our worlds, our lives, and our very existence. We are essential to the progression of events. If we were not around to witness what is here, to act upon and within what surrounds us, then there is no fun for the gods. It all becomes a boring plateau of emptiness.

Thought, the very acknowledgements that we've granted to the world, to each other, have been granted to us by the Pantheon. Without acknowledgement, an object would lose all of its characteristics. The absence of the awareness of an object would mean it does not exist. Our minds are attuned to understanding, they allow us to add, form opinions, play, learn, remember, and move. The awareness may be something we cannot control in many cases, but through mental acrobatics and the seasoning of your mind, you can train yourself to focus.

Wherever this Primal Energy originated from is an uncertainty to all. But it is resolute. Us mortals are made with importance. We are the gods' awareness, creating events and controlling them. We grant witness to the people we are part of, we give purpose to it's growth. Us mortals are important to the gods as they are to us. Without us, their existence is meaningless."
-excerpt about Fenric's views on the universe.

My in-game name is: Colonelgames


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Better than sliced bread
Can you please delete my drawing, it's an abomination. Fenric with a few extra chromosomes


Bring back angry react
Dfw you're not on your mentors relations but rum is. press f to pray for rum


Better than sliced bread