Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Flash Fiction Game


The Lurker
Retired Staff
I am not certain if this fits more in The Basement, or here. But this is something I like to do on different writing websites. If it does not fit, I apologize and would be okay if it gets moved elsewhere.

So, for those of you who are unfamiliar with flash fiction, it's a story written with few words but says a whole lot. For the purposes of this game, flash fiction entries should be less than 50 words! A famous (albeit extreme) example of flash fiction, penned by Ernest Hemingway, is, "Baby shoes for sale: never worn." It's been called the six word novel by some.

Rules: The person above you will write a flash fiction story. At the end, they will write ONE WORD for the next person to build their story off of. So the next person must take that word and incorporate it somehow into their fiction.

1.) You cannot change the word unless you want to make it plural/singular, or, if it's a verb, make it past/present or whatever. No synonym substitues
2.) You must leave a word for the next person in the chain to build their story from. (If I check the thread and see that someone has posted and not given a word, I'll post a word within 23 hours for someone to grab hold of.)
3.) You must post original work. You cannot go find a story and post it. You have to write it.

Okay. Here we go~


Bring them a housewarming gift, he said. It’ll go smoothly, he said. I punched his arm on the car ride home, seething with anger and embarrassment. “That whole cactus incident was your fault, Jerry. You’re buying the next gift.” I punched him again when he tried to argue.

Next Word: candid


Bored Brit
"It is not going to happen Arthur." Her tone was sharp and high pitched. She was going to cry, yet still her responses were impeccably candid and well pronounced. It was clear to me then, I would never have any children to call my own.

Next word: Discombobulate


Lord of Altera
My head swamp as I looked around the room, my thoughts all discombobulated as I could barely make out the clinking of glass bottles hitting each other. Standing up, I saw her note and sighed, I knew I bought too many nuka cola quantums...

Next word:Supercalafraga-gets punched

Actual next word: Snub


Kid Charlemagne
Retired Owner
He's driving too fast. So dangerous I want to scream. Shouldn't have snubbed him about the kid, now I've got him in high dudgeon. He wants to scare me, but he hasn't enough sense now to know he ought to slow down. He'll kill the both of us.

Next Word: Cortex


Lord of Altera
Above us it spun, blue and white spinning. The voice of a god whispered in our minds. But I didn't have a choice. I pulled the pin, and threw my grenade into the cortex of that great organism. Its scream still haunts all of us.

WHOOPS: next word - Rain
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Lord of Altera
She couldn't bear to see the name of her daughter any more. There was nothing joyful about Joy.

Next word - Heartbreak


Exitus acta probat
Lore Staff
To have ones heart broken into a million pieces. To have those pieces crushed into dust is soul crushing. How can the lose of a chocolate cake truly be so heartbreaking?

Next word: abyss


Lord of Altera
Staring into the abyss...he knew...he wouldn't make it out alive... "Honey, have you found my phone yet? I told you it's somewhere in my purse." he shuddered.

Next word: Vinyl


object oriented
Staff member
Retired Owner
He'd hunched over the yellowed, crinkling parchments. Shadows dancing around in the candellight. A faint, distant look in his eyes as the ink blots twist and turn. The diary of his first adventure.

He cracks a sad smile.

Next word: Deranged.


Lord of Altera
Her gaze was full of needles which pierced my skin. Her mouth was twisted into a smile as she pinned me with that cold, blue stare. She was deranged. Utterly insane.

But I still love her.

Next word: Lost


Lord of Altera
The thumping slowed, my cheek pressed against the canine's furred chest. His heartbeat was to be lost, and never found.

Next Word: Past


Legend of Altera
My past is full of darkness, but the future looks bright in a gloomy pit of helplessness.

Next Word: Murder


... is very scientifical.
Events Staff
Lore Staff
They say that it's something that can never be undone, never taken back, meaning to instill a sense of remorse and warning. I never understood the warning, and I never felt any remorse.

I felt powerful.

Next word: Prayer

The Courier

Lord of Altera
He stared at the forums, posts all about. A low shuddering breath left him as he saw only edge, a prayer given for the future.

Next Word: Dad


object oriented
Staff member
Retired Owner
..He never came home with the milk. I am disheartened. A single edge-like tear down my cheek.

Next Word: Kingdom


Lord of Altera
The lost and found box by the old playground held one little blue turtleneck sweater that was never claimed. Little Johnny was in a kingdom of angles, now.

Next Word: Ashes


Lord of Altera
(kingdom of angles? little johnny is so obtuse)

He had poked the branch into the embers, stirring ashes and coals again. The fire had long gone out, and the worst of the cold had passed him by to leave him comfortable in his coat and mittens alone. It only gave him small comfort to be doing something during the long wait for father.

next word is malt
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Sir Saltington

Lord of Altera
The ashes sprinkled onto the ground like it was snowing, but he knew the truth. His eyes reflected what was right in front of him...his house ablaze. Just as he turned, the ember struck his clothing.

Next Word: Insanity