Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Flying machines?


Lord of Altera
I didn't like the fact that airships were becoming the main way to get around to every single town, also, it doesn't feel medieval.

Anyway, the ships were removed yes, I'm aware of them still being in the lore, and even Warwolf still has his ship crashed on his island. But as Morgan stated earlier, we believe creating these small flying machines would cause more trouble than good.


Lord of Altera
Ah, fair enough, so they've been replaced with Stablemasters. I'd still like an interesting invention in my workshop though, mind if I keep rattling off a ideas here? Or should I make a new thread for each?


Natus de Aurum; Natus ex bellum
I was of the understanding that airships existed but didn't work due to high wind speeds? Is this no longer the case? That's just what most people said in game. :D
Just the thoughts of a none-lore person trying to justify crashing a ship. It had something to do with the wind, I thought it was the atmosphere dragging them down but I guess I was wrong.


Puppycat Herder
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Just the thoughts of a none-lore person trying to justify crashing a ship. It had something to do with the wind, I thought it was the atmosphere dragging them down but I guess I was wrong.
Something something something. *takes knowledge of fluid dynamics and goes to corner*