Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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For The Game of Crowns


Lord of Altera
I don't know if you're like me, but in my opinion I would love for the next GoC to be purely an rp experience. I don't think it should be decided by who has the best enchanted armor, and weapons, and best pvpers. I think it should come down to diplomacy, assassinations, plots to take the crown.

As we all know, when ever there's a big pvp fight between two groups, everybody gets mad, and begins to argue. I would greatly prefer if we took it to be more of an rp aspect. So instead of just having whoever has the most "points" win, whoever makes an alliance, and has the most power (Rp power, not enchanted swords) would win.

This is simply speculation, and my personal opinion.


Lord of Altera
All-RP is best for me, for one simply because I enjoy RP much more than PvP, but also my internet cannot handle PvP. More than 10 people on one location lags horribly for me. So this is awesome for me, thank ye all so much!


The Talking Pizza
Retired Staff
I also prefer RP over PVP, as I don't spend time building up experience to make special swords and armors. I also find that it takes away from the general feeling of the RP... Albiorix looks awful in full diamond armor (which he wouldn't wear RPwise), but if he isn't wearing it he would be destroyed in RP. I do enjoy fighting mobs to a 'point'... and I'm curious if they could edit the texture pack to make them look like soldiers... as Queen Grief is now gone.
Though RP also brings up certain issues, hopefully those could be 'mended'.


Lord of Altera
On the other hand I got to say: You can't be King without an army strong enough to back you, what most of the greater Rpers don't have.
So yeah no real way around PvP here without hollowkingdoms.
And even if Hollowkingdom would be done already it would still be armies fighting armies(though less players).
So you got your alliances RP in that already as you won't have your throne for a very long time if there is no one accepting or backing you as King

A thing where RP is even more involved is that Peasents and farmers shouldn't be able to be King in my opinion but rather only House Leaders and their heirs if they don't want it for themselves., otherwise said effect from above would come in again: No right to rule at all --> Nobles will team up against you.


Retired Staff
I'm curious if they could edit the texture pack to make them look like soldiers... as Queen Grief is now gone.
Yes. Make the zombies bandits.

Or, y'know, the chaos Grief wove into creation might still be floating about and causing zombies.


Legend of Altera
Well my personal opinion is that everyone gets iron armor and the generals and leaders get diamond, without enchants it'll be fair and square no complaining if you loose since nobody is to "op" in anyway. I mean seriously i didn't join this server because i wanted to hear wining 12 year olds...and i'd think it'd be more interesting if the people fought with their own reusources rather than being given some wheat and then fight, and i do agree that there should be what you suggested too! :i