Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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For The Game of Crowns


Lord of Altera
I still stand by my choice of a PVP GoC, if we do something like Rp battles or assassinations people are gonna argue and whine about whos dead. If its PVP theres no question or argument.


We demons of our solemn hour
*just sits in his booby trap, waiting for the right person to trigger it*

My tactics at the goc

I would love to have a lot of RP in these events!


Lord of Altera
Contrary to popular belief, there are people who decently RP fight, and actually accept the consequences.
Whether that is true doesn't mattr. Try handling an RP batle with 100 participants ;). that howeveer was last time. This time it could be theoretically even 500 (Server limit).

Well my personal opinion is that everyone gets iron armor and the generals and leaders get diamond, without enchants it'll be fair and square no complaining if you loose since nobody is to "op" in anyway. I mean seriously i didn't join this server because i wanted to hear wining 12 year olds...and i'd think it'd be more interesting if the people fought with their own reusources rather than being given some wheat and then fight, and i do agree that there should be what you suggested too! :i
No one is OP to begin with and I think everyone should be able to wear the armor they want. People had to work for it after all and do, no matter how you look at it risk to loose it due to despawning or people not wanting to give them back.
Last time we had that strange rule that items had to be given back, which i can't really understand cause: If you don't want to loose stuff don't bring it to PvP areas/battles in the first place.
If one goes to the sorrows and dies there in their full god armor its gone too, so that rule was really hard to understand :rolleyes:.

Other than that. August for example gives out equipment according to the type of Soldier they are (Archer - (Crossbows) - Infantry - Knights - Paladins). Everyone is however still allowed to wear their own gear at their own risk.

However should it be wished by the server I can help with the equipment charts if the ones in charge care for my opinion on it.


Alteran Cryptid and Renowned Hat-wearer
Staff member
In-Game Tech Staff
I'd like it to be RP :D

More Assassinations required! >: )


Lord of Altera
Contrary to popular belief, there are people who decently RP fight, and actually accept the consequences.
There may be some "decent" RPers but if you get a fully RP only battle its gonna get confusing and to some people a little boring/frustrating. And I would really like to see some huge PVP battle spread out over town/city. On a sidenote nobody is going to truly respect a King/Queen that won because they were good at typing and there's gonna be some people that deny the King/Queens authority or more importantly the power to back up that authority.


Dark Council Elite
Implying any of you have any idea about the events that will soon be unfolding...

Oh no, you shan't worry about the way the battles are fought...


Lord of Altera
Well, in my opinion: RP sounds better, because I'm good at RP fighting, and my character has experience(lots o' it). But. OOCLY: I am -horrid- at it kinda sucked at the last GoC... xD


Dead Man Walking
Dummyplug won't be participating in the GoC. It's simply not in his character to be concerned about something like that. However, you don't want a king or queen that isn't a powerful PvPer, or one that does not command powerful PvP forces. You'll need someone to protect you from me in the Sorrows. Just sayin' ;p


Lord of Altera
I am writing this post to state my opinions concerning all of the stuff about a purely RP GoC.

I want to RP fight because I am bad at PVP: The GoC is used to crown a new ruler through diplomacy and mostly battles, if you like to RP fight thats fine but when it includes a considerable amount of people it really is the worst way to do it. If you want to RP fight because you think PVP is too hard you could do two things, you could either improve yourself and get better at it or you could not try PVP ever and quit at it and continue to fight standing still and typing your every action in the chat. Everybody was bad at PVP when they first started the only way they got better was through practice.

I want to RP because when you PVP people argue: This is true, but people dont argue over who should be dead and who should be alive, they argue over who got their stuff which is usually taken care of after the battle. Whenever there is an RP battle there is alot more arguing over whos dead and whether something is OP over the chat which just confuses the "battle" even more.

When people PVP there are always OP people with diamomd armor: Those people are no more OP than you could have been if you put the time into it and got the same armor and weapons. There are always going to be people that are considered OP which just gives you the oppritunity to better yourself and learn more.

Side-Notes: If you become the king or queen through RP there are gonna be more people who challenge your rule and since you got it through typing and when they do you wont have the power to enforce it.

These are strictly my opinions and I dont mean to be rude to anybody, I personally would prefer the GoC to be PVP but I wont get all angry if its not since I only consider it my back-up plan.


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
Alright. Michcat stepping in.

I am running the GoC. This has been decided for a while. How the GoC will take place and run has also already been decided.

Please quit arguing about how it shall be ruled, and send your ideas to me if you feel that strongly about that.
Unfortunately, pretty much everything is near finalized. There is a high chance I won't really mind your idea.

Have a nice day.


Lord of Altera
Alright. Michcat stepping in.

I am running the GoC. This has been decided for a while. How the GoC will take place and run has also already been decided.

Please quit arguing about how it shall be ruled, and send your ideas to me if you feel that strongly about that.
Unfortunately, pretty much everything is near finalized. There is a high chance I won't really mind your idea.

Have a nice day.
can you post those ideas you had somewhere in a time raffer where it would be still possible to change things if you like the ideas you get sent?
Otherwise people will send you you loads of, maybe even well thought through, ideas for nothing.
Same goes if they happen to hit your idea exactly by chance they would have posted it for no reason at all.
Another thing is that people might get ideas based on yours too, if they see them :)


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
You'll guys see an entire bunch of posts (Maybe a forum section) when its ready. Don't expect anything at the moment, the Crown needs a little straightening out before it should be releasable :D