Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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[Forum RP] The Ball


Settling in Altera
((I'm just writing out an extended personal RP of what my char experienced during the ball. Feel free to RP your own characters))

Lysle slowly climbed the stairs to the building, cane in hand and leaning on it in his injured state. The moment he peered through the doorway memories flashed back at him, all these people, it reminded him of a long time ago, when he was but a small child. Rather than seeing the magnificent red and blue, he saw a different ball, one that happened many years ago. Drowan spoke up and Lysle turned, exchanging words quickly before Lysle fled from the building towards the pond outside. He knelt beside the pond and looked into its clear waters, seeing a childs face.

He knew that moment, the very moment everything changed in his life. He grew up stealing with his friend Julius, after the death of Lysles mother, all Lysle had was Julius in his life. Lysle was only 12 when everything finally came crashing down. They entered the ball room snickering to one another about all the pockets they could pick, the wealth they could obtain and an unrealistic imagination of what they could spend said wealth on. But the night went awfully wrong when a noble caught Julius, held him by the throat, lifted him from the floor and cut his throat. The ball turned to chaos as Julius lifeless corpse was tossed to the cold wooden floor, guards ran towards the noble and tackled him to the ground, a vicious fight broke out between guards and soldiers but Lysles eyes only remained on Julius. He fled the building, through the town and into the forest, never to return.

Lysle stood up, looking around somewhat emotionless to the merry gathering. People continued to flow into the building and to keep up appearances, Lysle followed suit. Walking in he spotted many people he recognized but none he could hold conversation with, least of all Rianna Jinx, he tried to keep his distance but the crowd seemed to constantly push him towards her. The music began thankfully and Lysle made his way to the ballroom where no one was dancing. He whispered under his breath "One last time". He approached the table where the musicians played and placed his cane against the table, he walked out into the middle of the empty ballroom, most eyes on him, the loner. He averted his only eye away from them and instead he looked to the ground and spoke to himself.

"Lily Rigger, will you have this dance?"

He held his hands on an imaginary hip and shoulder and began to dance, although his wife was many years gone, he shall dance with her tonight one last time. Step, step, turn, step, step, turn, step, step, turn and twist. He continued to dance alone, talking to his wife that was not there and never would be, and he no doubt knew most would think he be insane, but aren't we all? He thought to himself at the time. Couples began to enter the dance floor and he thought it nigh-time to kiss his wife goodbye, he held up her imaginary hand and kissed it, as though she were actually there. He walked away from the ballroom and for one moment, he smiled to himself. He walked out into the moonlights cool air, and once more, he remembered a night long long ago.
