Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Free Sketches

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Rygan Requests a Sketch II: Request Harder

Name: Tyrin Valicious
Appearance/Important Details: The build of your average healthy teenager, though he has dark spots under his eye from a lack of sleep. He has that burn that covers about half his face, as you'd see on the skin~
Pose: Standing normally is a pose, right? Right.
Props: None
Expression: A tired, expressionless serious look.
MC Skin:

Details: Keep in mind his coat unfortunately is one of those short ones that doesn't go down his entire chest.. it'd probably end about half down his stomach if you buttoned it up... howdoIexplainthatright.

Thank you in advance, Mich!


Lord of Altera
Server Outreach
Name: General Storm Arcturus
Appearence/Important Details: Has short hair and stubble. His eyes are piercing blue and calculating. Keeps vambraces on his arms [dark leather on his right and iron with sharp points over the knuckles on the left] when not in armour and is slightly tanned. His face and arms are criss-crossed with scars, one arm being almost unusable except for holding a shield or bow [left arm]. Wears dark clothing and often a cloak when out of the harlausian climate. Not exactly muscular but is thin. Has a wolfs head tattoo on his bad arm which he try's to cover with a scrap of cloth.
Pose: At ease but ready to attack at any moment
Props: A sword-belt with a golden buckle holding a blue-bladed sword in a black scabaard [left hip, bastard sword], Dagger hilt in his boot and some dagger hilts around his body. Two rings on his right hand [one on the first two fingers]
Expression: Calm but haughty with calculating eyes
MC Skin: [check my signature, but I need to update my skin (hopefully using the picture as a guideline)]

Sword is kind of like this [same hilt]:

Thanks, Mich :D

French Roast

Lord of Altera
Name: Thalion Rissien
Appearence/Important Details: A Wood Elf, Thalion is fairly tall. Muscles are dense, but not visibly large. He wears a plain grey hunter's robe with a simple brown leather belt with a pearl-white clasp. His hands are gloved. His hair is black; the front is rather messy, in clumps, but in the back it is tied in a tail. Pointy Elf ears (xD). His face is solemn, mostly expressionless, but with a sad hint to it. Skin is a bit pale.
Pose: Stands rather tense, his head turned looking over his shoulder. His right hand rests on his sword hilt.
Props: A sheath on his belt, with the sword having a hilt hewn from solid redstone (aesthetic only). A single combat knife - this one undecorated - on the other side of the belt.
Expression: A mixture of a cold glare and a sad, solemn expression. In other words, make him look traumatized and fairly defensive. His eyes are narrowed, but open enough to show his dark green, cold gaze.
MC Skin: (sorry, I lost the skin and am too lazy to download it again right now xD)
Details: Two scars on either side of his face, showing the exact paths tears might take down his face. He also has some mostly-hidden scars on his arms, which show a little on his wrists. His left hand misses the ring finger.
You're awesome :D


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)





Lord of Altera
Alright, i forgot all about this to be honest, i was supposed to add a skin and stuff xD So il just go ahead and post another one, since i have developed my character alittle since last time!

Name: Rengar Duskhowl

Appearence/Important Details: He is a kingsguard, he wears white and gold armor always, he has blonde shaggy but pretty short hair. He also has a beard around his chin and mouth, i am sure my skin will show!

Pose: If you could make him stand in front of the throne with his sword in front of him like this

Props: Well the sword he has in front of him is a bastard sword, which is a mix between a normal one handed sword and a two handed sword, so its quite long. Other then that its just his armor and head :)
Expression: Vigilant, as if he is solemnly guarding something with his life.
MC Skin: Its down below!
Details: Think i got the most important, but he has sharp purple eyes, try to make them kind of shining in the shadow if you can.

Thanks Michkarp!



Lord of Altera
Requested on page 9

Can't qoute..On cellphone..

I'd like to add to that, however, that he has two of those blades, bloodthirst and Eld'rah

and that there's a wicked grin carved in the mask..

Thans Michkitty..


Lord of Altera
Name: Limadan
Appearence/Important Details: (drawing+skin) Well, also add some blood sputters on the mask and roes if you please.
Pose: Holding Eld'rah, right hand, behind his head, ready to strike a blow, while bloodthirst, left hand, protects his body..
Props: Armor, 2 bladed bracers, Eld'rah and bloodthirst
Expression: None, because of the mask
MC Skin:

Eld'rah and bloodthirst


Lord of Altera
Name: Beryl
Appearance/Important Details: (drawing+skin) He has a tail. Monofinned with deep red scales.
Pose: Floating in water being relatively up straight.
Props: A spear
Expression: Solemn but also indignant.
MC Skin:



Lord of Altera
Miiiiiiiiiich! I want one! :3

Name: Admiral Erlewis Jzarga
Appearance: White jacket with black trim, and a bird stitched over the heart. He has a chainmail jacket on underneath, as well as dark pants, and dark boots.
Pose: (Challenge time?) Standing at the prow of an airship with his sword ponted forward in a heroic pose. Whatever that is. Have fun with it.
Props: Just dat cutlass.
Expression: Grinning proudly. Again: HAVE FUN.
MC Skin:
Erlewis Admiral.png
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