Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Free Sketches

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You don't mind If you put both of my Chars back to back do you? (If not just do Damien)

Name: Damien Cromwell
Appearence/Important Details: Green clothing with white sleeves and legs, brown boots, a green hedband, Left eye red, right eye purple ( There is a story behind it... :I )
Pose: Folded arms ( standing behind Adrian if you do both Look at next post )
Props: No props please
Expression: Smirking
MC Skin: Damien_Cromwell_MK2(Noise).png
This is is only if you want to do my other character :p
Name: Adrian
Appearence/Important Details: Dull grey jacket with white shirt underneath, Grey trousers and brown shoes and a purple scarf that covers his mouth
Pose: Sitting down infront of Damien
Props: No props again please :D
Expression: Shocked
MC Skin: sketch.png


Lord of Altera
*Looks at the doodle he did in class. Then to mich's awesomeness*
.............................. *Alt-f4 life*


Lord of Altera
Name: Darko
Appearence/Important Details: Dark green and black cloak, with spots of blood on the hands. Hair is unkempt, but is so black it's hard to even see. He is missing one eye and has an eyepatch over it, but there is still blood on his face from the eye getting cut out. His other eye is a dull purple. As for his mouth, it should be in a sort of twisted smile, with a small scar on the very edge of his mouth going to his chin.
Pose: Maybe crouching aiming a throwing knife
Props:Throwing knife he is about to toss, and a cutlass in a sheath by his waist.
Expression: Smiling at his mouth, but his eye is a bit sad.
MC Skin:
Not sure how to properly upload skin, so just search my IGN on Minershoes. (Vestigial_Limb)


Lord of Altera
new one..

Name: Limadan
Appearence/Important Details: (drawing+skin) Well, also add some blood sputters on the mask and roes if you please.
Pose: Holding his blade in reverse grip, in his right hand, holding his left hand out, the bladed bracer poitned forward as a defense
Props: Armor, 2 bladed bracers, Eld'rah
Expression: None, because of the mask
MC Skin:


download.jpg Eld'rah
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