Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Free Sketches

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We demons of our solemn hour
Can I request another scribble?

If yes..
I would like jeroxias head with a part of his hat
Facing a mockingbird head which if smaller but not too small. if you can.. Can you them look like they are battling eachother.. Nose to beak.. Mad looks.. The trademark creepy smile.. Black and red.. You get what i mean
(Call It Jeroxia Vs Clucky)​


Lord of Altera
Name: Isaac Netherlord
Appearance/Important Details: Isaac looks like he does in his profile picture, come and stalk me in-game if you want a better look.
Pose: No idea. ERMMMMMMM.... Oh, me shouting at Baz on top of the mountain thingy with the mysterious egg RP. (methinks kk will show you the way) She's inside the crater, I'm half way down raging because Baz can't be my cat any more.
Props: Faiah.
Expression: ANGRY PANTS

Thank you!


Lord of Altera
Name: Akela Tjali
Appearence/Important Details: Akela is a Nakat, She's 5'8, her fur is a reddish colour and she wears two gold ring earrings on her left ear.

Pose: Standing, looking at a note in her hand with a smile on her face. In her other hand you can clearly see the writing on the envelope which says To Akela.
Props: Envelope in one hand to her side, holding up a peice of paper with her other hand. On the table behind her you can see a pile of cloth.
Expression: Smiling, on the brink of happy tears.
MC Skin: i shall get this once valcust has finished editing it. But I think you know what she looks like. If not then look at one of the pictures xD
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