Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Game Of Crowns

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Lord of Altera

I did write at least half of our new magic system, you know? But people seem to keep missing that fact. :rolleyes:
You should have insisted that you are properly credited for your work in the announcements if it bothers you that much.


Retired Staff
Too everybody complaining about the entrance fee: it only makes sense that you have to have some financial funds, a king needs to have some cash to be able to rule, otherwise he can't pay anybody. Also, 100k ain't that much >.>


Sorrows Warrior
To everybody complaining about the entrance fee: it only makes sense that you have to have some financial funds, a king needs to have some cash to be able to rule, otherwise he can't pay anybody. Also, 100k ain't that much >.>
Except to those smaller houses who're working hard to fund their region. Additionally, many of the houses that have well over 100k are the houses that are already quite established, aka Lonmar, Hawklight, August... And to the average player, yes, 100k is quite a bit of money. I don't mean any offense by this, but not every player spends his/her time looking for the little nuances in the game to exploit (legally; without breaking rules) for money.


Lord of Altera
Yeah I can earn a good 20-40k going to the hollows in a few hours, so I figured 3 weeks to earn 100k is barely anything for a full active House xD.

As for this magic debate, I assume the Mage for the King would be through nominating the wisest, but basically they would nominate a few good mages, it'll all depend on the King that wins. If he's a follower of Shalherana, I doubt he'd want a fire mage (sorry blarg xD)


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
Could simply, if you're a smaller house, vow to assist a larger house in exchange for a high position in the new government.


Sorrows Warrior
Well, pushing the money thing aside, I just want to make sure this is acceptable before making any RP plans for it...

Are assassination and/or coup d'état attempts against the king okay? Or will the king always rule a happy and merry land where things never go wrong?

Also, I never really got an answer about the royal lineage thing I suggested. Quite honestly, it'd make more sense for the king to rule that way; I think it makes the GoC more interesting if the royal family tries to keep its power in that manner.


Lord of Altera
Well, pushing the money thing aside, I just want to make sure this is acceptable before making any RP plans for it...

Are assassination and/or coup d'état attempts against the king okay? Or will the king always rule a happy and merry land where things never go wrong?

Also, I never really got an answer about the royal lineage thing I suggested. Quite honestly, it'd make more sense for the king to rule that way; I think it makes the GoC more interesting if the royal family tries to keep its power in that manner.
Well I'm sure attempts could be made, but it'd be like with every other RP death, it'd be entirely up to the King if they want to RP die. We can't really stop people planning the death of the King, it's to be expected xD.

The lineage thing would be brilliant, a tour of the Palace before I posted this, it has several places that could be housing for family, royal gardens and a gorgeous view of the noble district. And then we'd finally have a use for the Princess title :D.

But yes, basically the King can rule for 3 months, if they have children, then Altera will have princes and princesses and royal weddings, and heaps of drama xD. But it sounds fun, I hope the future King of Altera will be up for that kinda stuff.

When the 3 months are over, it'll depend entirely on the population of Altera and the standing King. If they like the King, he can stay on the throne and get a reward amount of Rads from Fastidious to fund his next few months on the Throne.

Although I spose that brings about the point of IF he RP dies. I know that the King cannot pass the crown to anyone, but it will remain to be decided, if he has a prince or princess who is very popular and responsible, then they could take the crown once he passes.


Legend of Altera
You may think its a bad idea but obviously the king would have a squad of trusted paladin so like i then film robin hood if the king died then trusted paladin just transport the crown back to the kingdom


Loyal Servant of Altera
Ashir shall pay the funds within a few days. We can easily get the money but we have been spending it on plots.

We'll also be hiring mercenaries that we know we can trust. They are expected to come equipped in enchanted diamond armor otherwise they're not worth the money.


Lord of Altera
I assume the King would have several knights to guard his kingdom >>

Well if it wasn't up to the players then the King would stay King forever, of course there'd be a difference between "We want a new King just cause" and "we want a new King cuz you're bad at this job"
If they want a new King and the game to start again for no good reason (like the King's fulfilled his resposibilities) then there's no reason for them to whine about it, and the King and rule as long as he decides to.


Lord of Altera
Actually that's a good point, perhaps a new Game can only start if the King doesn't fulfill his responsibilities or he RP dies without an heir >>


Lord of Altera
First post :p. It's mostly taking care of Port Silver, RPing, and hiring builders and workers to make a Temple for a God


SallyRose said:
First post :p. It's mostly taking care of Port Silver, RPing, and hiring builders and workers to make a Temple for a God
I read through it a few times yet didn't realise they were responsibilities....I must be tired..

When you say about people not being happy with the way the king is running things, what stops people from making up random stuff like "i DonT likE kInG cUz REAsONzzz" ? I can't imagine someone saying they want a certain king to stay on unless they are on said king's side.
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