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Game of Thrones [No Book Spoilers, but filled with TV Series Spoilers!]


Lord of Altera
So guys, overall what did you think of the season?
I thought it started of slow, though the dioalogue was good, there was no movement in plot it felt like, but from episode 4 onwards it was really good, apart from the continous filler of Theon tourture, not bad :D


The Arbiter of the Gods
I must say that I loved Season 3 despite the lack of proper big on battles as seen in the last episodes of Season 2. Overall, however, it was certainly a joyful ride and if they, as promised, are only planning on improving the whole thing even more (if possible) I think I will officially make sweet love to the whole of the team.


I have found a new role model to base my life upon. His ideals and actions are inspiring and his wit is unmatched. His honour, valour and courage are above that of the finest knight. His intelligence tops that of greatest minds in history. His creativity is far greater than any artist. Ever.

I am of course talking about Ramsay Bolton.
May his knife forever cut true, through sausage.


The Arbiter of the Gods
You are the most lovable little fool I have ever met x3

But on a side note, he might be screwed when the no-longer-man Greyjoy's sister decides to come along~


The Arbiter of the Gods
I already promised myself to play The Rains of Castemere at some point during my wedding....


is Barken
I'd say it was a solid season, I'll give it a 10 out of 10, I was amazed by how well they portrayed the Red Wedding. I felt such a sadness inside me that I never felt before, it was unspeakable, they did it well. It was probably the saddest scene I saw on T.V ever, meaning they succeeded.
I thought it was bloody hilarious.
I knew it was coming, my mother did not.
Seeing her reaction... Beautiful.