Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Loyal Servant of Altera
Name: Gondarf
Nickname/Alias: Gondarf
Age: Uknown
Gender: Male
Race: Unkown
Height: 189cm
Weight: 7 stone
Hair: Brown/Blonde
Eyes: Golden/Brown
Skin: Slightly tanned
Identifying Marks: LARGE eyes
Appearance: Long hair, large eyes.
Strengths: Stealth,Strength,Acrobatics
Weaknesses and fears: Death,Bandits
Religion and cults: Self religion
Profession: Ninja, Assassin,Gatherer,Healer


Book 1
Chapter 1

My earliest memory is probably being beaten for stealing in the long lost town of Kantron. I was told that I was the son of a bandit who had many a bounty on her head. No-body knew her real name but referred to her asMacellarius meaning Slaughterer in the ancient dead language of Latin. In my old town we were not told not to steal, just not to get caught stealing. I didn't really like the art of theft so I resorted to the art of Acrobatics and soon became best in my acrobatics class. My old town used to be the biggest supplier of theft tools and small weapons. Then the High kings came along and changed all that. They started to send us death threats to stop us making weapons and tools but after that failed, the came down on that town like meteorites to a source of gravity. My town was smashed to the ground and then overrun with wild beasts and monsters. I fled away to safety using my superior acrobatics skill. That is all that's happened and I have finally resorted to searching for Macellarius.