Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Active Graash Denzhek


Lord of Altera

Name: Graash Denzhek [ Gra-ash Den-zh-ek]


Divine Profile:

Updates in red


Status: Not in the best of places.

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Race & Culture: Half-Spawn

Profession: Hired by Melarue to do what she wishes.

Current Home: Swamp lands of Altera.

Frequents: Home, and ports.

Quick Info: A 6’0” Half-Spawn with red skin. Mostly lean with not very much muscle. Dark horns poke from his head with demonic runes upon them.

Currently: Seeking a warm place to sleep.


Build: A lean Half-Spawn, mesomorph

Height: 6’0”

Weight: 174

Hair: Long a bit messy and braided in some places.
Eyes: Green


Inventory: A few rations of food, about one-hundred and fifty radiants from his old Clan. Clothes he has made, as well a has a pendant related to Dranoden and a sword given to him.

Hygiene: Baths about twice a week.


Personality: Emotionally distant, upfront with a bit of a savage side.

Strengths: Pretty light on his feet, and a good head on his shoulder.

Weaknesses: He is mortal, he has his flaws. Physically he isn’t the strongest. Runt of the Clan.
A bit of a temper if poked too much. Even more so when his corruption from Melarue.

Fears: Dishonor and shame upon himself.

Intelligence: Not the brightest but not the dumbest.

Character’s soft spot: Animals and nature.

Values: The ideology he grew up with. Being strong enough to make it into the afterlife of his kin.

Religion or Cults: Dranoden's flock.

Affiliations: None

Alignment: True Neutral (Changing...)

Motivation: Finding a place to be himself, either it be in solitude or with a new clan.
Become strong, strong enough to get make it deep into Gwamith.

He does not have much. Merely just a few supplies and the cloths on his back for now.

Being worked upon.

Eark’zian (Fluent, read and write.)
Common (Doesn’t know some words, Okay writing and reading.)
Infernal (Fluent)


Short Term Goals: Find a warm place and an okay bed.
Get magic, become a shaman for himself.

Long Term Goals: A clan if that is what fate has in store for him. But he isn’t looking to build such a thing anytime soon.

Completed Goals:
Found a purpose, more so it found him.

Melarue - Elz - "Demon-Queen"
Intimidating, yet the wake up call that was needed. In some form, now a guide to show the brightest star in the sky. A wish to be made true. Things seem fishy but I have always been distant when it comes to those who are not kin.

Matt - Sergeant Freedom - "Teacher"
Impressive for a young human to have witnessed battle, specially with demons and has come out on top. Highly respectable, but seems like a good heart is in you. Hope I don't disappoint when it comes to training.

Aleksei - blargtheawesome - "Holy man"
Intimidating as well. A veteran to the conflict with demons. A closed book that needs a key to open. I feel I found a piece of that key. It brings up many more questions, but you have been helpful to the start of my journey.

I have met quite a bit of you, more kin that are full blooded. Strong and easily able to enter Gwamith once their time comes...I envy you. Some of you have gave me words of encouragement. But I know I won't become strong like you by simply being. It is time I carve my own path out of the swamp.

Tol - Adam/Byrne - "Shaman"

A shaman long lost, but not forgotten. Graash started his search for work with the Moor. Only to wonder what ever happened to the strange-minded man.

BACKSTORY: Raised not far from the Clans that have spread themselves out amongst the continent. A small settlement where his clan had begun to build. Graash was taught of Murkztob, and to respect nature as he grew. He found himself lacking in strength than his few kin. So, he was a gatherer and hunter.Graash didn’t also get along with other children. Often picked on, resulting in his distant manner. He often found himself within nature, away from what would await him around the stronger kin. He found himself pitied and ignored by most of the Elders. It was then seen from his elders that he didn’t have what it took to carry the clan name and would only bring dishonour. Thus he became clanless. A traveling outcast. It is not like his kin did not love him, they did and raised him well. They gave him food and some money for his travels, wishing him the best.

My in-game name is: Catanomical

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