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[Gravewalker] Amelie Dubois


Legend of Altera
Character Name:
Amelie Dubois


Sired by:
Ayda (Asirel_Luik)



Turned [2022/10/23]
Turned Gravewalker by Ashna [2022/10/25]
Cure by Death [2023/09/06

[Neither Life Nor Death]
Gravewalkers look ethereal and otherworldly. It is hard to tell their age, for their features seem both young and old. Their hair has neither the brittleness of age, nor the luster of youth. In coloration, it varies from a steely near black, to peppering, to a stark, clinical white. Their eye colors change to a muted version of their original color. Their breath mists in the air, as though always in a cold place.
[Heightened Senses] Their senses carry over from their prior curse, allowing them to smell things more prominently. The slightest of aroma, odors or blood can be picked up if in whisper range. Their eyes can adjust to the darkness, seeing 30b within radius in a tone of greyscale.
[Of the Night] Gravewalkers are naturally drawn to dimly lit, cold or dark places, and they heal over superficial wounds like bruises, scrapes, and minor cuts if they are within such locations over the course of two or three minutes. Should they enclose themselves in a resting coffin or grave for several days, their tended to physical wounds will slowly heal and no scars will remain. The process puts them in a vulnerable state they can’t wake from. No fatal wounds, broken bones or lost limbs will heal.

The touch of a Gravewalker to a Vyre is so cold that crystals of ice form on their skin, and wherever they touch leaves a patch of severe, exceedingly painful frostbite.

[Sensitive Rays]
Sunlight still irritates a Gravewalker, especially in hot and arduous locations like the desert, nether or volcanic lands. When openly dwelling there, they may become increasingly itchy or exhausted over time. If set fully aflame- they cannot recover and will die.
[Gargoyle] When a Gravewalker dies, their body remains even as their soul revives, uncursed. It does not move, it cannot articulate. It leaves in place a stone statue of themselves, in a pose they last made, much like a gravestone.

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