Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Great Shrine Grand Opening


The Arbiter of the Gods
... That.

But seriously, Crossroads isn't even such a huge crossroad. It used to be, when Port Silver still existed, but now it's more of a stop along a single road. Such places would sometimes, albeit rarely, turn into small villages, which had the potential of slowly growing prosperous, but it took a while.

NOW, aside from the fact that it's server-owned, what legitimate reason is there to settle down down there? Raw materials are somewhat scarce around, and, I daresay, if it wasn't the spawn it'd be abandoned (which I know many people would love), as it was when Port Silver still existed. It doesn't lead to anything in particular, maybe aside from being the road from West to East, and Westerners could get to the Sorrows town or Renatus through there. It's not a holy place, so there'd be no point in building any "Great Shrine" there. I can think of places such as the Exodus Camp that'd make a better area to build a great place of worship. Or the old capital of Arcturus, since that's where Corruption was, at last, defeated.


object oriented
Staff member
Retired Owner
Perhaps it's because of its neautral location. No pull of governance, royalty, specific god/goddess.


The Alchemist
Staff member
In-Game Tech Staff
As I do appreciate the thoughts on this, this isn't the place to be talking of such, if you have a complaint or suggestion put it in that subforum! :)


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
Why the Crossroad, anyway? It's just an inn. Not even a town... Where do employees even live?
... That.

But seriously, Crossroads isn't even such a huge crossroad. It used to be, when Port Silver still existed, but now it's more of a stop along a single road. Such places would sometimes, albeit rarely, turn into small villages, which had the potential of slowly growing prosperous, but it took a while.

NOW, aside from the fact that it's server-owned, what legitimate reason is there to settle down down there? Raw materials are somewhat scarce around, and, I daresay, if it wasn't the spawn it'd be abandoned (which I know many people would love), as it was when Port Silver still existed. It doesn't lead to anything in particular, maybe aside from being the road from West to East, and Westerners could get to the Sorrows town or Renatus through there. It's not a holy place, so there'd be no point in building any "Great Shrine" there. I can think of places such as the Exodus Camp that'd make a better area to build a great place of worship. Or the old capital of Arcturus, since that's where Corruption was, at last, defeated.
Convenience, mostly. Its at /spawn so not to overly trouble folks and be accessible.

ICly- Mostly because its a "crossroads" and the place is one of the few places of Neutral Ground left. If you really want hard IC justification, I'm afraid it isn't there. Oft I have to walk a fine balance between OOC and IC, and make sure that both are in accord. This sometimes requires compromise, and this instance was one of those times.

However, I feel that I do need to mention that the Great Shrine should NOT be a base of operations for RP. It is simply a place for the High Council to meet (unless they decide to convene elsewhere, then all the power to them) and for newer or not as settled characters to have a place of worship. Each Exalted should be working from their own personal church/lands/whatever, to promote Roleplay in their regions and not a server region. So on and so forth.
The last thing I want to do is 'shove it down your throats'. I do very much want to promote personal builds- but I can't just plop a giant server build in someones region, can I?


The Arbiter of the Gods
Oh thank God, I was worried for a moment it might be this Saturday... Which is my 18th birthday and which I expect to be spending drinking... >_>

But yeah, next Saturday sounds awesome.


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
I'd be willing to wager that Jishrim survives those odds. Mainly because he's so unpredictable, being the God of all things crazy. He wouldn't necessarily win, but I don't think he'd be pummeled either.
Folks forget all to often that Jishrim isn't just the god of Chaos, he is the god of Malice.


The Very Best, That No One Ever Was
Jishrim... I don't trust that fella...
Back in mah day, he dressed rainbow and wasn't worshipped at all... what's wrong with today's youth?
Back in my day Jishrim didn't even exist! Oddly enough there was even more chaos and malice then...

Instead we had Laets! God of the storms!

(In b4 someone older than me mentions being here before there even were gods)


The Arbiter of the Gods
Jishrim... I don't trust that fella...
Back in mah day, he dressed rainbow and wasn't worshipped at all... what's wrong with today's youth?
Jishrim was always worshipped as I recall. I always had at least one or two people coming and praying to Jishrim. He was often more popular than Skraag or even Kilrox back in the day >_>


Jishrim was always worshipped as I recall. I always had at least one or two people coming and praying to Jishrim. He was often more popular than Skraag or even Kilrox back in the day >_>
Yeah the cult of kilrox only had 3 members :p I remember a lot of "crazy" people worshiping Jishrim.