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Grey Society


The Talking Pizza
Retired Staff
Grey Society
Located in the north east of Altera, an island gives refuge to those that follow the path of "Grey." Those that seek the real truth seek this place out, and offer their service to the Society. Home: "Grafjell"
The Grey Philosophy
The followers, or 'Acolytes', of the path of Grey will learn the following.
  • Morality is only an opinion. What is wrong to one is right to another, therefore Morality in itself, is false. There is no good nor evil, no black or white, simply 'grey'
  • The useless shall be removed, so that they may serve a purpose in death. Only those that prove themselves to be useful may join the Society, the weak discarded.
  • Names are of little importance, it is what one is that matters.
  • To seek the "Truth" in all things. The most valuable weapon is one's mind.
  • Emotion only leads to weakness. Things such as these shroud one's mind, and takes them further from the truth.
  • Death is the absolution of truth, and there is no greater gift.
  • The "Grey Lady" is above all, all the other attributes of the Gods lead to her, she is the end, the Truth.
  • The Sisterhood is an abomination, an insult to Death.
Grey Acolyte Skills and Disabilities
Acolytes are among the elite. Their is little physical and mental weakness among them. They have devoted their lives to their cause. They are GOOD at what they do, and they do many things, though some may struggle among certain things.
  • They are corpse collectors, many of them know the weaknesses of the body, and ways to heal it, though few will do so.
  • They are quite adequate in combat. Though they may lack the adrenaline given by anger and other emotions, this grants them the ability to fight logically. Learning opponents weaknesses is key to their fighting style. (Different Acolytes may have different fighting styles, though most rely on speed.)
  • Many may seem awkward in social interactions.
  • Though their path may be 'Neutral', the cold reality of their viewpoints are frowned upon, as they almost seem to lack any humanity. Many will attempt to remove acolytes on sight.
Although this group, in a way, represents Neutrality, most characters/people will likely view them as 'Evil.' They may be recognized by their Grey cloaks, but this DOES NOT MEAN that you can walk up to them, accuse them of following "Grey" and chop off their heads. Many cloaks are grey, and I don't want to see any "Meta" from people because of a gamertag above the 'grey cloaked specimen.' You can begin to question them if you wish, and perhaps your character will eventually find out that they indeed do "Follow Grey."

I am not looking for many, if any, acolytes at the moment. If you prove yourself in RP, then perhaps it can be arranged. I'm creating this thread mainly to let you all know of a 'potential' enemy for all of your characters. If you were to join, no running about saving little children and being the hero. It does not exist to help people, but instead to spread its belief.
Estes241 as "The master, Grey, Albiorix, Irrelevant"
Arwstuv as "Schels, Boy, Acolyte"
Civis_mundi as "Layne, Girl, Acolyte"
Kackerlacka as "Gorsh, Random Acolytes"
Maelstrom_puddle as "Alphos, Acolyte initiate"​


The Talking Pizza
Retired Staff
I shall 'Journal' any interesting events that have happened in their conquests here.
Recent Exploits:
* The master has returned from his voyage. He was held captive in some village. He speaks of a potential acolyte, one who shows promise. We are to acquire him. -Those who are Irrelevant
* The boy has begun his training. There were few incidents in the acquisition of the acolyte. He has already begun the training. -Those who are Irrelevant
* The boy has begun the journey on the pathway to truth. Another was found floating in the water, we shall test her worth. -Those who are Irrelevant.
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i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
*Waves arms around*

I'll find a way to return to the True teachings of the Grey~


The Talking Pizza
Retired Staff
Oh yes... If any of you kind fella's remember any happenings with the ACOLYTES or just GREY himself, do inform me, and I shall add it to the 'notes'


Retired Staff
I should mention that you're the only article on Vorar's list.

Next time it's more than your arms, huehuehue.


The Talking Pizza
Retired Staff
The Acolytes are now located in the Warcamp, offering aid against Queen Grief. If you are to enter their area of the camp, it may look like this.

*None of the acolytes are lounging about, they are each preforming a certain task.
-Tasks range from: Sparring among each other, Patrolling the camp, Reading books on various ideas, or studying a corpse... that they may have found...
* They are socially awkward when dealing with others of the camp.
* They usually travel in pairs.
* Most wear Grey cloaks.
* They are relentless when sparring, not hesitating to inflict wounds upon those who falter.
* If (This is rare) an acolyte disobeys an order, they are harshly punished, as their disobedience may cause weakness throughout the camp.