Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Hair dyes in the world of altera?


Non sum qualis eram

This is the exception to the "Weird hair colours" rule:

You can dye hair any combination of colours that you can find in MC dye, which includes all natural hair colours and some others besides - If, and specifically if - you periodically RP out doing the dyeing and you remember that the dye is likely to wash out if you spend any time at all in water, needs to be treated carefully, etc.


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
Didn't Leminth?
Leminth bleached her hair regularly in worship to Theodra (With the help of her chamberlain!). Them silver colours! (more like blond because of the dye, but hey, whatcha gonna do)
Unfortunately, towards the end of her reign when the war started and her ALS (Lou Gherigs Disease) was in full stride, Leminth no longer had the time to do such and it faded back to brown due to lack of treatment.


Dark Council Elite
Leminth bleached her hair regularly in worship to Theodra (With the help of her chamberlain!). Them silver colours! (more like blond because of the dye, but hey, whatcha gonna do)
Unfortunately, towards the end of her reign when the war started and her ALS (Lou Gherigs Disease) was in full stride, Leminth no longer had the time to do such and it faded back to brown due to lack of treatment.