Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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[Hamlet] Shipwreck Cove


Lord of Altera
Settlement Name: Shipwreck Cove
Mayor: SallyPirate
Town Assistants: [1] Vestigial_Limb
Current Wealth: 177,700.00
X: -768 Y: 64 Z: -4399
Population: 8
Link to location on map: N/A

Daily Tax Rate: No tax
Cheapest Plot Cost: No set plots
Biggest Plot Cost: 0

Description / Introduction: The Shipwreck Cove is where a large and ancient ship was discovered, the mast already worn into shreds and the wood rotting. However to a pirate, it is the perfect place to hide goods and live. This is a pirates paradise.

Only scallywags and sea dogs allowed! ...and wenches.

The Cove is meant to be RP only, though most of the time it's inactive so it's hard to keep it that way. It will hopefully be a pure RP town one day.

Shipwreck Cove Rules and Building Information
As of right now, Building is restricted to the mayor and the town assistants. Given the way the town is laid out, there isn’t really room for every person to build a house, ect.

1. Can I build a ship?
a. Ask the Mayor or Vestigial_Limb first, even then, likely not.

2. What is the Building Policy?
a. All newcomers to Shipwreck Cove receive a room in our Inn, with a private chest. With the size of the cove itself, there isn’t enough room for everyone to have their own house/shop.

3. Is there community Shared Items?
a. Yes, in a hidden room within the cove, this is unavailable to newcomers due to some mishaps/robberies.


Residents: annukka, SallyPirate, Vestigial_Limb, Squidziod, Darkwolf, keodo. (The rest are inactive)

We're always looking for new crew members! Sign-up at anytime!


Hey I would like to join but I've just I'm not in white list yet but I have some hope...So if I will be accepted can I be member of your hamlet?


Lord of Altera
Of course you can all join! The ship is the big one at the end of the docks to the right. Please post your MC user names so I can add you. And Benijim, welcome aboard!


Lord of Altera
She was the true pirate-queen...
*Cries In A Corner*
Now we only have a pedo-bat living in the pirate-cave.


Loyal Servant of Altera
Hi, I'm new and I'm looking for a Hamlet to join and this may be the one. My MC Username is
on NigHt7KiLl3r TemplarDeathKnight