Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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[Hamlet] Shipwreck Cove


Lord of Altera
Hard to being without sallypirate.
I'm sorry if this offends anyone, but it is true.
SallyPirate was the best administrator I've ever known. She inspired me in many ways.
She inspired us all, believe it or not. Long live the legend of SallyPirate.


Official Alteran
Alright! I'm back! Head of security is back!
Head of security, eh? Exactly what is it that you do?

And regarding my newfound citizenship, I became acquainted with the captain 'erself. Fine young lass, she is! Very dedicated to 'er home. Me and her are gonna be great partners in crime, we are. ;) Shipwreck Cove will shine once again.


Lord of Altera
Epik, I can add you to the town, but I'll need to talk to you in game a bit more. I am Sally's second in command. I have almost as much power as she does. If you have a problem, you can talk to either of us, not just her. ;)


Official Alteran
I thought that Shipwreck cove was going to become a Role play hub?!!?
Of course it is! That's what we're workin' for. But first, we gotta get some new people ready to cause a riot at a moment's notice if we're gonna bring the old place back to it's former infamy. ;) Then we can organize seiges and mayhem to our hearts' content!


Lord of Altera
Epik, I can add you to the town, but I'll need to talk to you in game a bit more. I am Sally's second in command. I have almost as much power as she does. If you have a problem, you can talk to either of us, not just her. ;)
Ok, I can meet you in spawn before next week, I'm going on a trip and no screens on the trip.


Official Alteran
And guys, we are expanding Shipwreck Cove everyday, all the time, and are always looking for people to help with our expansion so that we can have a bigger area for large RP events to take place. So, if you're lookin' for a good time or a place to live that's ripe with adventure around every corner, swing on by. We're always lookin' for a bigger crew with lust for adventure and excitement. Even I haven't discovered every little secret here yet! ;)


Official Alteran
you need to discover my old room... thats a secret, sally will tell 'ya;)
I think I already did, but I'm not sure. :/ I'll look for it again, then get back to you. So much fun uncovering forgotten secrets. That's one of the many things I love about being a pirate. ;)


Official Alteran
its in the mast of the shipwreck, sorry for ruining your fun.... :D
*Le sigh* What a bore you are.... -_- Did you never grow up playing I Spy or do treasure hunts as a kid? Those were my favorite! Ah well. I'm gonna make myself a hidden residence and live there, then you'll all have to discover it. I think we should make having a hidden lair somewhere in the Cove as part of our tradition from now on.