Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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[Hiring] Librarian


IGN: atomicmat
Character Name: William Ashworth
Race: Human
Character Qualifications:
William has already written a fiction book and handed it to Aracena in the library
William loves absolutely everything to do with literature and writes all sorts of genres, and would hopefully make a marvellous addition to the libraries collection.
He is also very determined and enthusiastic in his work and would love to help the library grow
He is also known to be very organised
William also lives in Thiil currently!
Reason for Applying: Well I absolutely love English and am planning on doing it at university after I have finished my last year of school which is dragging slightly! I would love to role play as a librarian as I am passionate about it and therefore would hopefully make a good one.
How active are you/is this character: I am on everyday in the evenings after school, but during the day as well at weekends.
Timezone: BST
Are you prepared to do inventory once ever week or two?: Of course!
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The Undying Scholar.
Retired Staff
Ooo this could tie in perfectly with me retiring in RP to go and do something I enjoy instead,

Character Name: Septimus
Race: Human
Character Qualifications:
Lawgiver of the gods and leader of the scribes of the High Church of Altera, keeper of the great libraries of the cathedral pre fall of the church.
Royal Scribe for the Silver Crown.
Has lived through alot of historical events.
Can read and write most languages that could be found in books pre high church collapse so all standard Human, Eleven, Dwarven dialects, can speak them albiet not very fluently and you can tell he's learnt from reading more than practice.
Is the worlds leading expert on horses ;P
and is knowledgeable on a fair few other subjects besides.
Reason for Applying: IC looking for a slightly simpler lifestyle, planning to retire from current duties in Renatus, Thiil is near enough he could still visit over there easily as he ages and Sept is no stranger to literature. OOC looking to really change the characters RP situation and RP a more regular, active role.
How active are you/is this character: Haven't been lately due to projects and current RP set up being quite stale. Looking to be more active over summer now I have free time and looking for a way to give this character a purpose again.
Timezone: GMT but usually up to 3am so any timezone can work for me really.
Are you prepared to do inventory once ever week or two?: Sure


The Alchemist
Staff member
In-Game Tech Staff
This is relevant once more!

@ApothecaryFairy is overseeing the library, but we need an everyday librarian! Please comment for info! :D