Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Lord of Altera




Nicknames: N/A
Titles: YaVei
Age: 14
Race: Makani
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Occupation: Bouncer for the Tilted Whale and Anchor Taproom
Theme: {X}
Battle theme: {X}


Summary: Hyoga looks like a big old Muppet most of the time. He's on the taller end for his age and clan, and he looks rather rugged and intimidating on the exterior.
With his facial expression rarely being able to change he is cursed with either a perpetual resting bitch face or a glacial unassuming stare.

Bird type: Shoebill Stork

Height: 5'7'', Still growing

Weight: 95lbs

Build: Quite fit and muscular under his plumage. Though he is quite lanky in his limbs.

Eyes: Green

Feather color: Silvery-blue

Beak: Large, thick, and shoe like. Pale yellow with some brown-black discolorations. A short hook at the tip of his bill.

Arms/Claws: His arms are covered in fluffy feathers up to his elbows where from there are long scaly arms, similar in color to his bill though a more grayish in tone. His four long digits are tipped with short black talons.

Legs/Feet: Proportionally his digitigrade legs are quite long and somewhat lanky with feathers coming midway down his femur, similarly to his arms though the thick scales cover a bit more from the upper to lower half of his legs.
The four digits on his feet are similarly quite long and tipped with slightly longer though thinner black talons.

Clothing: Often he is bare chested. He wears wraps of various burgundy and gold fabrics around his waist covering just below where his hamstrings would be like a short kilt with lather studded straps hanging down, attached to a belt keeping it all together inside. One large cord of rope is tied around his waist.
He also sometimes wears a large brown short sleeved coat of cloth with a large portion of the back cut so that his wings may move freely and without irritation.
As a personal keepsake he wears a hand-carved wooden amulet with various beads strung through it and a large hexagonal shape as the center.


Summary: Hyoga is quite the jovial sort. Not one for the dour and drawl. He enjoys the liveliness of the party, and rousing the taverns with song and dance and laughter.
Though he is also a Makani of pride and honor. And while he may have his time for energetic outburst he is also capable of serenity and calm and finding the joy within.
He is very disciplined and stubborn. He has little patience for those who don't put effort into life and what they care for.

Any body of water, from shallow mashes to the vast oceans. He finds great comfort in the sound of water.

Music. He finds all forms of music appealing in one way or another and is a lover of dance. He favors more jaunty tunes to match his revelry but will find pleasure in any song.

Sparring. He can be rather rowdy at times and enjoys challenging people to friendly duels.

Seafood. Anything really. He'd boast he could eat a catfish raw if somebody made a bet on it.

Fire. He tends to keep his distance from even contained fireplaces. Something about its wild potential both strikes reverence and fear in his heart.

Sugars and pastry's. He never quite understood what the groundling children seem to enjoy so much about sweets.

The humorless and the stoic. Party poopers really.

More street smart than book smart. Illiterate. Has a desire to learn more things though and is very attentive when he is invested in something.

[Mother language] Yakai - Speaks very fluently with little trouble. Prefers speaking this language though it is certainly uncommon.

[Second tongue] Common - Struggles with enunciation and will often replace hard to say words starting with M or O with the corresponding word from his mother language.



Allergies: None he's aware of.

Sleep habits: He sleeps like a brick, usually splayed out on his stomach.

Eating habits: Lots of meat. Enjoys his greens from time to time. Mostly in the form of seasonings. Lacks in most other categories though.

Exercising habits: Very regularly works and has a very good stretching routine every morning and evening for his wings.

Drinking habits: Drinks lots of water. Also enjoys milk. If he can get his hands on alcohol he'll have his fill as well.

Bad habits: He's not gotten into any substances but would likely not shy away from them.


Gliding [★ ★ ★ ★ ☆]
Since he was first able to start gliding he has done so regularly. Often as part of his daily exercises.

Fishing [★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆]
Fishing is an important relaxation hobby for Hyoga. He was taught at an early age how to use a net and trawl rivers and marshes for fish.

Hunting [★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆]
YaVei blood running through him like the will of his ancestors drives him to be a excellent hunter. Though he has not yet slain any great beasts he knows his way in trapping and stalking.

Cittern [★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆]
A new hobby for him. One that he explores passionately with his dinged up old Cittern. Though he feels as though he can't get much further without some musical mentorship.

Kanabo fighting [★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆]
Still rather unwieldy for him at this point in his life. The heft of such a weapon is something that takes much discipline to learn but with his stubbornness he will continue to learn with or without a mentor.

Hand to hand fighting [★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆]
He enjoys sparring greatly, though he still has yet to find any concrete technique of his own yet and his wings will always be a hinderance in this. Further experimentation is needed.

Archery [★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆]
There's a discipline to be found in archery but something about it hasn't quite clicked with him yet.


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