Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Active Hysope


Legend of Altera
He/Him, She/Her, They/Them
hysope kegheart banner.png

◆──•~❉ KEY INFORMATION ❉~•──◆
Age: Early Adulthood
Race: Dwarven
Height: Taller than a deer, shorter than a horse
Weight: Middling, for the height

◆──•~❉ PHYSIOLOGY ❉~•──◆
Hysope is a dwarf that wears her curly hair unbraided and at about shoulder length, covering a branching sort of scar on the side of her head that traces her veins. Said hair has a red sort of color, almost similar to copper, while her eyes are closer to a sort of rust brown. Her skin is light-ish, and sun-touched, with a birthmark on her lower right back.
She is of a stocky build and large chested, a trait shared by her family members–However, not to the point of “barrel-chestedness,” due to swimming comparatively less than the others.
Her left hand is a prosthetic carved of birch, and articulated with steel, both materials bearing the hardness of said steel.

Clothing: Woven garments that are dyed colorfully, but slightly faded and worn.
Weaponry: Bows, arrows; a very large knife; a decently-sized spade.
Prized Possessions: A roughly carved, very old wooden maple figure of a pig. It has a finishing coat of oil. Lost in an exorcism, turning to dust.

-Strengths, Weaknesses-
Hardy. Only reasonable, right? Pushes through difficult conditions to reach the next.
Self-Reliant. A strength that may easily become a weakness, should you rely on it too much.
Observant. Particularly of smaller details: the skittering of a bug, the click of a small lock, or the faint smell of a sprig of lavender. Might miss the bigger ones, though.
Decisive. It is not often that she excessively deliberates, making decisions relatively quickly.

Naivety. In some ways, at least, she could be considered naive, particularly when it comes to techniques of deception, or the subtler signs. She sometimes takes too long to realize that she is in danger.
Persistence. At a certain point, is it worth it, anymore? Some may call this the "sunk cost fallacy." When she has determined that she must accomplish something, she does not take well to quitting.
Selfless. Make no mistake- this is not to say that she acts altruistically. Instead, it is more in reference to the sense of self; It is easy to say that she lacks self-awareness.
Freezing to death; The dead that walk and do not rot; Heights; sudden, loud sounds.

Can be quite clever, and is knowledgeable in a few subjects; however, lacks some social graces, and can be slow to connect implications. Sarcasm goes right over her head.

Common. Her accent is mixed; bits and pieces of another remain, however, and sometimes come out. It's partly a slight "Dwarvish" (Horghaahn) accent, and tends to come out more when drinking.
Horgaahn. While Horgaahn was taught to her by her parents when young, it has mostly faded from her use over time. Perhaps she'll pick it back up. Who knows?
Rede. She knows maybe just a few words in this language. Other than that, she is nigh-completely unfamiliar, and can't really speak it.
Marjash. Cieren taught to her the words, "Shit" and "North," in Marjash. She doesn't know any others.

-Habits & Quirks-
She has a tendency to pace.

Does not eat when being directly watched.

◆──•~❉ ETHICS & MOTIVATIONS ❉~•──◆
Curious. There is a certain desire within her to trace the lengths of paths and where they may lead; To tie loose ends.
Persistent. And when those loose ends move out of view, she will trace their path and follow.
Blunt. Does not always hold her tongue, and often just foregoes euphemisms.
Scatterbrained. Will sometimes "jump" between items of interest within a conversation, or have different conversations at the same time.

-Religious Inclination-
Theodra, The Grey Lady, and Shalherana; the cycle of Death and Renewal, and what drives the two forward: the Hunt. These are the gods that she holds in the highest regard. Ideologically, she believes that the undead are not just a break in the cycle, but more like a "bite" out of it. Should it be consumed in full, then, well...

◆──•~❉ TRIVIA ❉~•──◆
Worms. She used to raise earthworms to use as fishing bait. The hobby stuck; The writhing things can be quite fascinating.
Sour Foods. A favorite food of hers is pickled radishes. When it comes to fruit, she prefers gooseberries--specifically a mix of the ripened and unripened ones, yellow and green.
Gardening. Caring for certain plants in a little, sheltered area is one of her enjoyments in life.

Urban Navigation. Large, busy, changing population centers prove to be at least a bit of trouble to navigate.
Jumping Bugs. She is very annoyed by the sort of bugs that tend to jump towards her face. Particularly large, clumsy fliers, such as some beetles, craneflies, locusts, and cockroaches.
The Undead. She is ideallogically opposed to, and disgusted by these foul beings of Skraag's doing. For a length of time in the past, continually hunted and killed undead vermin for quite a while.

INSPIRATIONS: Dirt, soil, dead leaves, worms, spring, foraging, bloom, entropy, flowering herbs, vermiculture, a fate revealed to me in a dream.

Color Codes:

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Legend of Altera
He/Him, She/Her, They/Them
◆──•~❉ Relations ❉~•──◆

• • •
"A crow with intent is the mark of witches. An omen of the occult."
Bit of an oddball, bit not. Normal most've the time, but says or does thing that're really just... inexplicable, every now 'n then. Like that smile he did that once—yeesh...

• • •
"If it bleeds, it has flesh, and flesh can be exploited."
Know a bit about the old man. Lightning. Whole lot to know, though, and don't know much myself. Bit of one of those 'reserved' sorts, 'specially when it comes to his magic. Doesn't like talking about it, maybe?

• • •
Always jumping 'n leaping. Mischief. Kind've like a stray cat. Can be pretty startling when y'don't know she's above ye!

• • •
'S a funny man. Been through shite that sunk a continent in the past, but got past it, thankfully. Probably would've died back in that camp if he wasn't around, huh?

• • •
"... Each perzon haz different ztrengthz. Intent and outcome iz what matterz. Each walking corpze put down iz big win. Da."
Between him and Halvar, the two could probably stop about anything to a halt. Good respect for the dead 'n their wisdom.

• • •
Definitely'd be the wisest person I know. Kind. 'S too bad, whatever happened too her memories. Hope she can find 'em again.

• • •
Knows, and has seen a lot. A bit long-winded. Can be a little hard to follow his words sometimes. Hope to understand better in time, though!

• • •
Y'ought to be immune to pure minerals, but fancy mirrors... hm. Well, promise's a promise. If y'die, and Hellmann tries to gets Skraag's hands on you, [I'll] be sure to put you to rest.

• • •
"And since I have no interest whatsoever to see this world burn, I am so looking for brave, brave individuals who can indeed, work with me."
Dropped the demon research as soon as the thing was gone. Never helping a fancy jishrimite again, after that.

• • •
"Some things can be kept in yer head, can' they?"
A devout of Skraag. The Soul Stealer. Always was digging into the wrong things, after all... what happened to her?

Valtae • • •

Halvar • •
Kharn • •
Laicelem • •
Candice • •
Quill • •
Marian • •
Glomlir • •
Freia • •
Ruvan • •
Storm • •
Adda • •
Valerie • •
Karn • •

Aryn •
Jorvun •
Taurean •
Harlow •
Ashna •
Sayuire •
Matt •
Arvyth •
Reinhard •
Iseabail •
Aza •
Ced •
Milah •


Branko Callas •
Has only heard about this dangerous figure through rumors and hearsay; Allegedly, is devoted to Skraag, and enjoys killing and violence, his reputation preceding him. Doesn't know it, but has actually met him, before. She assumes that he is a greyling.

From 1-3•: Familiarity with the character based on interactions and impact.
1•: May have been in the same room. Maybe even talked!
2• •: A little more familiar with how these characters interact.
3• • •: A good idea of how the characters tend to interact with each other.
◆──•~❉ Notable Possessions ❉~•──◆
Birdsong - A Birdwood Longbow, given to her by Somnastra at the start of a ritual hunt.
Seax - A refined steel seax, a thick-spined sort of long knife. It is practical and unadorned. Made for her by Halvar.
Golden Manacles - A commission she bought of Storm, for a good deal. "Particularly uncomfortable for Vyres."
Puffy Blouse - A puffy, pale blue linen blouse with vine patterns on the hem, bought from some sort of curious merchant. An additional vine is visible on the left shoulder, after it was patched up by Valtae.
Kegheart Gambeson - A protective chokevine article, made by her brother, and dyed in the rust red and brown of Keg's Hearth. She usually wears it when going out to a potentially dangerous situation.
Holy Symbols - A set of three holy symbols, all carved by her. They all correspond to Shalherana, Theodra, and The Grey Lady, and are able to be worn by the neck.
Earth 'n Return - A leather satchel with a brass buckle, and coiling markings on it. Cieren gifted it to her.
Half-Pike - A shining, blooded silver half-pike, crafted at her request by Halvar. It's for demons.
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