Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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~I threw it on the ground


Hylian Thing
Actual Tip: First thing you want to do is go and make friends. Join a town. Get involved with everything. Talk to everyone and everything. If you don't, I guarantee that things will get dull quickly. Altera is no place for a loner, I learned that the hard way. I'd actually suggest joining a crowded town/house. That way you'd be making friends in the house chat, go out and RP with those people, make more friends from those people, and from there you can leave the town/house and do whatever you want with any of your many, many friends. You don't seem the type to be shy so socializing wont be an issue. You'll be fine. :) See you ingame!

EDIT: Basil is a sweet little kitten.


Lord of Altera
Actual Tip: First thing you want to do is go and make friends. Join a town. Get involved with everything. Talk to everyone and everything. If you don't, I guarantee that things will get dull quickly. Altera is no place for a loner, I learned that the hard way. I'd actually suggest joining a crowded town/house. That way you'd be making friends in the house chat, go out and RP with those people, make more friends from those people, and from there you can leave the town/house and do whatever you want with any of your many, many friends. You don't seem the type to be shy so socializing wont be an issue. You'll be fine. :)
I am going to tske credit for the first legit tip.... but I'd be more than happy to let you have second, Jason! :p


Lord of Altera
Anithola's Dull, legit pro tip: If you got approved you have allready agreed to this, but remember that all kinds of tomes are stored away in this amazing library called forums. Here you can find all kind of knowledge which will help you on your adventures. Remember that before you go questioning the guards :p


Loyal Servant of Altera
Some more good tips rolling in :D Great vibes about how friendly everyone is already.

As I mentioned before, due to not being able to connect, I'm starting off by introducing myself as a player so hopefully you all know I'll do my best to be friendly and cooperative in RPs. My character is awaiting final approval from Legion and Ittza, so after that, come Friday evening when I'll be set up with a working network connection he shall make an appearance among you. But keep the advice coming! :) I'm interested in things that might be fairly obvious to veterans, but not a newbie like me. Although cookies always help!


King ForumStalker
Itzza's somewhat debilitating list of tips for new players:

  1. Avoid annoying Basil at all costs, unless you like fire, and pain, and death.
  2. Don't annoy the fish.
  3. Keep active on the forums. You don't have to be addicted like I am, but at least checking around for updates and rule changes is vital for keeping in the know.
  4. Get acquianted with a group of friends who can help show you the ropes. One of the great things about this community is that everyone is really eager to help out "teh noobies".
  5. If you have an issue, search for some keywords in the search bar in the forums, and check the Tome of Citizenship first. If these methods leave you without an answer, ask a question here on the forums, either in a thread to everyone or a forum conversation to a select few individuals.
  6. Roleplay as your character, don't play as your character. There is a difference and how much fun you have on this server depends on this.
  7. There are multiple resource worlds and each have their ups and downs. You should research them and pick what you need depending on your playstyle.
  8. If you see Queen_Grief, run in the opposite direction.
  9. If you see cherbert, repeat step 8. (Just kidding :p)
  10. Find a good way of earning money, whether it is mining, trading or running a business.
  11. Don't call the Nakam "cats" if you like your face the way it is.
  12. Dwarves and Elves generally don't like each other, don't sit between them.
  13. Bandits inhabit the Southern Wilds, keep a sharp eye out or risk losing your gear.
  14. Try and get involved with an OOC community that suits you. We have multiple threads and discussions about topics outside of minecraft including other games, art, music and sports.
  15. Write a character profile if you can. It will help others get to know your character and as a result roleplay with you more efficiently.
  16. If you have an issue ingame, ask someone to come to your aid. If it is an ordinary problem other players will assist you, and if it is a more serious problem then a moderator or admin can come to your aid.
  17. Try to avoid actions that ruin roleplay, which include Meta-gaming, Powergaming, random OOC chatter without parenthesis in roleplay chat, TYPING EVERYTHING IN CAPS, or trying to repeatedly make your character the centre of attention.
  18. Join a town that suits your build style and character. There is an Alteran Census section in which there is a list of towns to choose from. Don't pick a desert town if your best builds involve ice and snow, and don't pick a island town if your character is afraid of water.
I guess that'll do for now. :cool:


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
Itzza's somewhat debilitating list of tips for new players:
  1. Get acquianted with a group of friends who can help show you the ropes. One of the great things about this community is that everyone is really eager to help out "teh noobies".
  2. Join a town that suits your build style and character. There is an Alteran Census section in which there is a list of towns to choose from. Don't pick a desert town if your best builds involve ice and snow, and don't pick a island town if your character is afraid of water.
I guess that'll do for now. :cool:

Hmm, actually- Seeing as you're character is a Nakat and all, you have a free pass into the town of Kavdam and the community there. Heres to Friday!