Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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[IC] Anchors Away


Settling in Altera
[Please refrain from using any OOC in this thread. Unnecessary OOC replies will be requested to be deleted. Feel free to join in on the FRP if you wish]

The ship caressed against the dock.
Dotted clouds hid the sun from sight, casting a ominous grey upon the earth. It was mid-evening on the docks, houses were beginning to close their windows, and light lanterns and candles. A lone carriage would be seen, ferrying it's cargo from one location to another. Two gentlemen stood outside a tavern, discussing the local market before being rudely interrupted by a drunk thrown from the establishment. It was a typical day in Port Silver.
A man walked the plank from vessel-to-port, garbed in a crimson red. Medals lined his upper left torso, medals won from years long gone, and a place now forgotten. Sod looking sailors marched in his shadow, as if fearful of this man. They all departed ways in their own small groups, some heading to the trade centers, others to nearby ale-houses. Yet, this man of crimson remained standing at the edge of the dock, alone.
His hands remained clasped behind his back. He followed the path of the others, his footsteps causing a patter. A light drizzle began to pour, such suiting for this man with his ever present frown, and his piercing gaze. He was a man that suited grey scenario's, it was clear. He seemed far too formal to be someone so dark of personality. He moved to walk up a laneway, a horse-drawn cart trekked beside him.​


Roleplay keeper
Something or someone about the size of a bag of potatoes, landed on the old stones that was laid out on the small road just below a house roof. The small person stood up, and their eyes seemed to glow with a fiery warmth.
The girl looked from side to side, taking a quick scanning of her surroundings, then ran towards the pub with something in her hands like some thief.
The dark hair and clothes giving her a great oppotunity to hide among shadows and that's what she does, pressing herself against the wall and staring out at the scenery, although her glowing eyes gives her position away fairly easy.


Lord of Altera
Gently pushing the door to his abode, a man dressed in rather elegant garb strides down his usual path about Port Silver. His thick, navy-blue jacket slowly takes in the light drizzle, silvery buttons reflecting torchlight from street-lamps about him. His path snakes its way around Upper Port Silver before he strolls down the pathway leading to the lower section of the port. In no particular rush, he would be taking his time. Simply taking in the sights.​


sparkles emoji
Standing on a roof in the light drizzle, a cloaked and hooded man stood, observing the surroundings. He stared at the Lord of Admiarls walking by, his sapphire blue stare almost as piercing as the man. As he pulled up his hood, he turned on his heels and walked away.


Roleplay keeper
The girl puts whatever she had in her hands, in her mouth and noms on it befor starting to wander, seeing as the coast is clear.. Until she noticed the adult in the crimson jacket with all the shiny medals. Gazing upon him with big glowing eyes, she stopped, but it's too dark for anyone but those close, to see who she is.


Lord of Altera
Sitting on the ground outside just under something to block the rain, a woman in gray ripped and aged clock with a mask matching the maw of a nightmare watched the going on's of the street. Her right arm resting against her leg where a bandage went from her wrist to her mid forearm. Her dimly colored eyes looking for one person to the next before falling on the man in crimson. 'The navy' She thought 'My how that brings back memories...'

Shaking her head she rises and moves to stand in the rain but has yet to move up or down the street.


is Barken
Perched silently atop a roof a man in long robes overwatches the harbour, his eyes falling upon the red-jacketed man, following him with his eyes.

"The Navy? Oh, such fun this will be."


Lord of Altera
As he makes his paces through the Port, he would notice the man in crimson, along with the men marching about him.
"Seems quite prominent. A bit of an odd sight to see, here..."
Continues on his route about. Likely to be passing by the decorated man more than once on his route.​


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
... Using the excuse of it being a good stepping off point for the rest of the world, and not because the port reminded him of his childhood homes, Nwalme quite often found himself within Port Silver. As per custom, adorned in his customary plush black robe, Nwalme would seem to be enjoying the slight rain more than anything. And upon noticing- as it is not hard to notice a man if everyone is staring at him walk by- Shu Jing, Nwalme would approach him with a brief salute. "Afternoon, Admiral~"


Lord of Altera
'So many people... I'm surprised the navy man doesn't have more troops with him really.' The woman thought as she continued just to watch them. It had been a while since she had really been around this many. After years of being away from port it was still nice to know that people still walked around and had lives.

Still everyone has secrets they keep. Her's being one that might get her in chains if people even remembered.


sparkles emoji
Hidden in one of the many alley's shadows, he watches Nwalme speaking to Shu Jing with a tad of interest. He slips out a letter and reads a few phrases before folding it and shoving it back.


Settling in Altera
'Good evening, Minister' he saluted, halting in his place. He inched his feet together, straightened his posture and clasped his hands behind his back. He had been walking alone for only a few minutes, and already within those minutes he had the itching feeling people were watching him. He remained focus on Nwalme before him, but his eyes darted left and right quickly, asserting the situation. He spoke in a tone with venom, not for Nwalme, but he himself was a despicable and venomous man. 'How may I help you, Sir?'


Roleplay keeper
The dark girl with the flaming eyes followed in the shadow of the man in crimson and medals. Moving as silent as a cat and just as curious. Stopping when he did, and tilted her head to see Nwalme stand there.
She raises her hand and waves lightly with a smile, although avoids direct eyecontact..


Coffee Enthusiast
.... Just as silently as usual, the short man in the drab green and grey cloak steps out of butchers shop. Just having donated some venison. His gaze hard and steady moves around the streets for a moment, before landing on the man in the Crimson coat and Nwalme.

( Edit: On mobile, apologize for any future spelling mistakes. Or if things simply don't sound right. >.< )​
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... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
.. Nwalme would look about briefly, looking more than a touch amused, noting all of the individual people watching the conversation with such interest before looking back to Shu Jing. "I was looking for a friendly word or two, but now I feel the need to ask what you've done to deserve so many strange stares." His tone would be amiable, as per custom, and it is blatantly not an accusing tone.


Settling in Altera
'I've done nothing. I've been feeling the stares on my back since I have arrived' he raised an eyebrow, as if Nwalme knew something he didn't. 'Regardless, what is it you wish to speak of, Minister?' he raised a open hand towards a nearby cafe on a corner street. There were tables outside where various gentleman sat and drank tea or coffee, whilst inside there were others sitting in groups on pillows, smoking from long pipes connected to a central device. They let out long plumes of grey smoke from their mouths. Several of them seemed phased out, eyes red. 'Perhaps some tea will lighten the mood' his voice as monotone and venomous as ever.


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
"You say that with an implication that I came to you about business, I suspect. My mentor treated his closest allies as family, he did not wish to only consult them about such monotonous matters; personally, I drink with mine. Perhaps that frown will dissolve as sugar in hot coffee, given enough goblets of some tavern's finest?" Nwalme would punctuate that last sentence by casually placing his hands into the outer pockets of his robe, taking a moment to look towards the fellows smoking.


Roleplay keeper
The girl speaks with a quiet voice, coming from behind the red man. "Mint teaaa...." She looked dreamingly towards the people drinking tea


Lord of Altera
A shadow runs along the roof of one of the buildings noticing the amount of people around the young man stops breathing and stepping lightly, watching from behind his black steel mask. {....So many yet so few.....why?}