Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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[IC] Anchors Away


Settling in Altera
'Mayhaps' he answered, his frown refusing to dissipate. A voice cracked, and he shot around to see whom it was. A small child, his gaze sat on her for some seconds, appraising her. He at last, spoke 'Is there something I can help you with..?'


Roleplay keeper
"Who are you?" The girl asks, looking up him.. Looking upon her eyes, he would feel a slowly spreading and burning sensation, once as when your clothes catch fire and it slowly spreads. Unless he'd look away, it'd continue, while her stare would be curious yet peircing. "And why all the shiny pendants on your clothes?" She semt only about seven years old, yet.. those eyes like fire.


Coffee Enthusiast
Exits the butcher's shop once more, wiping his hands. Then spots Sheila- Looking to her, the man then Nwalme. Thinks for a moment, before silently walking closer.


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
Nwalme would look content to watch Shu Jing and Sheila converse for a moment, before glancing at the approaching Dayter, and giving out a calm: "Mornin'."


Lord of Altera
*the 'shadow' drops from the roof landing in the alley between the building he was on and another building then begins to remove his mask and his blacker than the blackest coat*
*Once finished he stows the coat and mask in his small pack and looks like a regular civilian as he walks into the cafe and sits on his own*
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Settling in Altera
Shu Jing stared down at the child. A stubborn man. He remained his piercing gaze on her eyes. The sensation of fire suddenly began to engulf him, his teeth gritted. His eyes darted down to find that there was indeed no fire, and returned a quick fleeting glance to the young child. He shook his head, raising his right hand to smooth out his hair. He now ignored the child, finding her of no use, and a waste of time. He directed Nwalme to the coffee shop as he himself moved to enter open doorway that lacked any form of door. He approached the counter and motioned to Nwalme to order first 'Prime Minister'.


Lord of Altera
Watching the man vanish into the shop the woman smiled to herself. 'High and mighty people and their fancy drinks.' She thought to herself as she started walking down the street and pulling her mask down around her neck. She had aged well since the last time she had been here. She didnt look any older but that could have been form the fact she was an elf and how they aged differently from humans. Still she wore they same brand she had those years ago. That 'V' on her left cheek. There there was the bandage over her right eye as well.


Roleplay keeper
Wanders after them, her eyes following the odd and new man whom she has never seen befor anywhere. "Sir..?" She puts on a more formal tone, that of a little lady, standing behind the two with folding hands behind her back.. Standing in all her smallness