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IC beliefs~?


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
So I'm bored and was thinking about Nwalme's.. odd, unique beliefs when travellin' today. Was wondering if anyone thinks their characters have any interesting beliefs or philosophies on life, or.. anything for that matter. It's something I'm interested in. :p

Nwalme firmly believes that everything in life has a value attached to it. The value doesn't have a numerical value, or a strict hierarchy, but it is based off of himself in the.. 'meta' sense. (So to say, he considers his 'soul' and body to be different things entirely.) It also has its roots in Darwinism, in a sense, in that he believes that the low-value things will eventually be forced out of his life or removed. So for an example, Nwalme does not rate his life highly on this list. His values, people he loves, and other such far outrank it. But people who are insulting towards him for arbitrary reasons, or offend him on some level, are relatively low on it.
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Based on what?
Retired Staff
Huh. I need to Make a more solid reasoning for my beliefs.
I hate the corruption because it Disrupts the flow of life but I think I should maybe make a more concrete reason for this.

I like the system you have setup Blarg.
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Dead Man Walking
You raise a good question about character alignments too. I see a lot of people placing alignments on their characters like "Evil Evil" or "Chaotic Evil" seemingly without fully understanding what the alignments entail. Esp. the "Evil Evil" alignment, which . . . . doesn't exist, at least it doesn't exist in the D&D alignment roster. I think I'll make a post on this in the RP forums. . .
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The Kingdom Crusher
Civilization is the downfall of everything.

All Elves are descended from cannibals and are inherently superior to humans.

Leaders of civilization ascend to power and sustain it though cannibalism, including bureaucrats, councillors, generals and royalty.

Chaos theory is justified by a comprehensible force called "Mojo".

Port Silver is responsible for massive genocides against the poor due to a vanished slum from the old world.

Old Lonmar and Cromarcky are behind the scenes and are plotting to come back.

The Port Silver Council is full of illiterates.

The Earthspawn and Dwarves are ideals for all sentient beings.

There's more, but that's off the top of my head :p


Corruption is the answer to world peace.

Permanent death is the answer to everything.

Good and Evil are perspectives.

Righteousness is within the hands of the wrong. (A bit of a biased one.)

Tea sucks.


Lord of Altera
Marcus keeps his beliefs to himself, because saying them publicly would get him killed.

-The corruption was created as tool to 'purify' Altera, remove those who would destroy the world.

-That life has a set of rules, until you realize there aren't any.

-The power stair is the key to the longevity of life, playing the steps correctly will retain your lifespan.


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
You raise a good question about character alignments too. I see a lot of people placing alignments on their characters like "Evil Evil" or "Chaotic Evil" seemingly without fully understanding what the alignments entail. Esp. the "Evil Evil" alignment, which . . . . doesn't exist, at least it doesn't exist in the D&D alignment roster. I think I'll make a post on this in the RP forums. . .
Aheh. My intention wasn't to have people ponder alignments, but if it provokes thought, all the better~


No Gods, No Masters.
Retired Staff
I think its safe to say my character has some interesting beliefs.

Cuz ya know he made a cult of it and stuff...


The Talking Pizza
Retired Staff
One will often hear Vallahad "Da pat' is callin, and I best be followin'." This is typically him just making an excuse to leave a group of people, but it does give a slight hint towards his belief.
-He does not recognize the "Westana Gods" as gods... He understands they exist... but not why folks worship them.
-Everyone has their own path... And he will not force others to walk his own, just as he will not walk another's.
-Carpe Diem. Life is wonderful and he is going to make the most of it... there are bad times... but the good far outweigh them.

Albiorix: (Hehehehe)
Although many see him as a 'monster'... it could be argued otherwise. He is operating from his own twisted viewpoint of the world... and from that viewpoint he could be seen as a savior... ha. "No black or white... only Grey."
-A particular event in his past has convinced him that the world cannot change... the only way the world will ever experience true peace is for it to end entirely.
-People are blind to this terrible truth... but they must be made to see it.
-This belief is almost the same in his corrupted state... though altered slightly.

"I am lord of the Grey Isle.. and I shall never serve another again."
Similar ideals to Vallahad, though more rigid... Though he does follow the "Westana Gods."