Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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IC beliefs~?


Lord of Altera
  • I am superior than you because I am a Moor Elf...
  • The secrets of our kind must be kept away from pale skins
  • The Corruption will either re-corrupt us or we will be redeemed by Shalherena
  • Bending your knee's doesn't mean you're compliant
  • The most foul people can hide in plain sight
  • People can be unpredictable
  • Chaos is change personified
  • Everyone can be manipulated, even myself.. you merely require to have the right string to pluck
  • If you show people you're a cold person, you're harder to manipulate
  • Everything works just as planned


  • Manual Labor is the only way to be fulfilled in life
  • Men who use bows are cowardly
  • Women shouldn't use swords, they should use bows.
  • Women are more respectable than men
  • Words fail us.
  • Violence is okay, but never when done with malice
  • People should respect oaths and commitments


Lord of Altera

Waiting is for the weak, take what you want.
No one is good. No one is evil. Everyone is just trying not to die.
The only people who deserve anything, are those who worked for something.
The injury, or murder of a child, is an unforgivable act.
Never show your true feelings, people will hate you.


Lord of Altera

Nobody can be trusted, not even....
Everything is a lie in one way or another.
The koi always get snatched up first.
Violence is only acceptable in response to violence.
Children grow exactly as you raise them.
Love is always dangerous to whoever happens to receive it.


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
Another thing of Nwalme's. Everything someone does should have the end result of being a net benefit. For example, his kids. In recent times, he's raised two sons, and currently raising a daughter. For at bare minimum, his next decade will be spent constantly pondering his daughter, if not all of his children's.. developments. And odds are, he'll have to be the gentle but firm hand he always is with them until he eventually kicks the bucket. But they also provide him comfort whereas otherwise he may be lacking that luxury, and furthermore, relatively capable people who can be made to do.. anything. So it's a net benefit, even if he has to wait a century to make use of it.


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
As one corrupted (How she is currently)-

She is currently too erratic and rage-fueled to have any set belief. This odd mannerism is mostly due to how the corruption effects her.

Generally, Tzemik is pretty naive and "sheltered". She believes very strongly with the Oath of "Do No Harm", and tries to work towards a very world-view of beneficial pacifism. You could say she is the type who would sacrifice a child to save 100 people - Whatever would most minimize suffering and be the most beneficial, no matter what the cost.

"Give unto others of what they give unto you - And do not be the last to act", save Elsendir would allow slights to generally go unnoticed. Generally a passive guy, he believes that there is already too much violence in the world to bother adding to it.

"If you can take it from them, they never deserved to have it."
Might makes right, twisted into strong inclinations of a somewhat biased 'honour'.

Very spiritual. She believes against temporary possessions, against secular authority, and against secular class.
"The purity of motives, affections, intentions, inner dispositions, the psychology of what is life and the analysis of the feelings"


Lord of Altera
Another of Fulgrims Belief's is that.

If he has to ruin things to make people happy, he would do so. An example is that when Harleen threw him away, Fulgrim was content if not feigning some anger about Harleen being ungrateful... he knew that Nwalme could provide a better home, more security and a better education. If Harleen had to be afraid of/hate Fulgrim for it so be it. Nwalme was Fulgrim's savior when it came to helping his daughter... and the emotional storm he had has played out to his benefit.

>mfw things worked out how they were supposed to and how they weren't supposed to at the same time.


Dark Council Elite
Archaeus believes "The most powerful men are those who learn to forgive." He has yet to master this ability.

He also believes that everything has value in a similar way, @blargtheawesome

And he thinks the world would do better with a central monarchy, even if not led by himself.

He thinks the Corruption is the way the world will end, because Altera can't organize well enough to properly defend and attack.

And others, can't think of.