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In the Throne Room


Loyal Servant of Altera
He/Him, She/Her, They/Them
[Do Not Meta This Information, but enjoy seeing the inner workings of Gallian Government]

Lerina Sits in the Capital Throne room, advisors to the left and right of her. She looks pissed and the room is tensed.

Lerina in Elven: "My Lords. For many years I've let you all run this empire blindly. I trusted you with secrets and decisions. And what do we have to show for it? The Sultanate is stretched thin. We have occupied lands in the north, we own part of the red forest, we own the mountains of patina and we have this island. "

Lerina would stand..

"All of you have betrayed our empire. You have not put our blood first. We have collectively did what we sought out not to do, acquire lands like Branko did. While we have not shedded an ounce of blood in our conquest of land, we have wounded Altera in spirit."

Lerina looks at all her advisors

"And to make up for this, we must spill blood. We must balance our power with humbleness. As your Goddess I demand a sacrifice of your own stupidity for endangering us all. I demand one of you come forth and offer your life to protect our lands."

One would come forward and without thinking she would simply slash their throat, spilling blood before the throne, her followers were radicals who would do as she commanded.

"One more. Come forward. I demand sacrifice."

Another comes to end their fate, another throat is slit.

"Two lives are gone, in honor of our cause. String their bodies up and display it from the temple. Let our people know if they are not willing to die for each other, to die for me, their God! There will be consequences."

She looks at the remaining government members, Tylla is once again absent from the Sultanas ear

"Changes are coming. We will continue our occupation of the north. I am putting in place my daughter Renfrie.And until she becomes of age to run the occupation I will control it.

I am willing the forest to whoever the fuck runs it right now. I will separate it from the laws of Gallia and instill a provisional set of laws that must be followed or we will take it back. The forest is hereby declared holy grounds. Any who step foot in it shall best remember this. As your Goddess, and as a messenger for the other gods I will not allow any to tarnish it.

We will allow others to settle in our lands again, the taxes lifted. As long as they respect our ways all are welcomed. However, Gallia, now has generations of elves. And we will always be the empire for the elves first. The rest, a footnote in our history.
These are my words. Any who disagree can meet a similar fate as these wo lie dead at your feet.
Now get the fuck out of my throne room!"

She shouts, and her government drag the bodies away and leave her.

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Loyal Servant of Altera
He/Him, She/Her, They/Them
Time passes and the room is cleared, she sits there and talks to herself.

"The occupation needs to end. A lot of this needs to end. But im too far down this path to stop. I am surrounded by fanatics and radicals who put me in their eyes of a divine.
I am not. But I have to act to be.
I have to act to manage all this.
I don't wish it. But theres no other solution.
Theres no other option. How to turn the course of history back? How to right these wrongs?
I march forward. Only forward.
And when my daughters turn 18, and one is ready...
That day, I will end my reign and meet the Grey Lady
That day...
Maybe then, can history correct itself.
I am not the ruler this realm deserves
But my children will be."

She rises

"Until then. I play an actress. People worship me blindly. And..I am trapped in this hell I've allowed to fester.
The true punishment, is living to be something, in my core I know I am not."

She goes upstairs, a coldness filling the area.
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