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[Inactive] Gold and Purple, the Siren Song


The Lurker
Retired Staff

Serri has two new people on her hated list. betrayed hardcore. @Woolsey @The Courier

and two new friends @Omikuji @Immerael

and a... person has influenced her. @Niah (check the Path)

furthermore, tonight marks the second night she's slept in a stranger's bed.
Influence! Yay! Though, er... The kind of influencing Aracena did wasn't necessarily good. But yay for influencing. lol


Lord of Altera
(Does he qualify under Moor Elf?) Calcifer relation please!
I forgot.

also on that, I will point out that I changed Serri's profile to reflect the fact that she's homeless. things like being malnourished, having "panhandling" as a skill, etc.
and changed Azure's relation, threw up a new category for him and Calcifer.



The Shadow Admín
Retired Staff
I forgot.

also on that, I will point out that I changed Serri's profile to reflect the fact that she's homeless. things like being malnourished, having "panhandling" as a skill, etc.
and changed Azure's relation, threw up a new category for him and Calcifer.

"The most Awkward Silver Elf in existence" I might be offended if it wasn't true and didn't have me laughing, lol. I like it.


Lord of Altera
I forgot.

also on that, I will point out that I changed Serri's profile to reflect the fact that she's homeless. things like being malnourished, having "panhandling" as a skill, etc.
and changed Azure's relation, threw up a new category for him and Calcifer.

Calcifer would keep you well supplied with food, trust me. Also, we need to RP because he is moving outta Thiil


The Shadow Admín
Retired Staff
I would....but I gotta crash for tomorrow. We will duel this Saturday! Meet me at the Grand Library Cal! And bring your food! :p


Lord of Altera
*reading backstory* Oh...
I wonder who these bandit folks are... hmmm...
OHMEHGAWD IT'S RORAN! *dramatic gaaaasp*
Bidding war! Can Calicfer compete with the entire food production of the Thiilian war machine know as Azure's Farm? :p
I got... *fishes around in my pockets* 3 radiants.