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[Inactive] Gold and Purple, the Siren Song


Lord of Altera
aaaaaaaaaaand Wulfe and Landir already changed.

EDIT: aaaaand Jaden added to bunkmates list. yay. another. man.
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Lord of Altera
added pronunciation.

french makes everything hilariously hard to pronounce, and I had trouble with writing this.
to clarify, "Jeanne" is pronounced the normal french way, as is "Beaumont"
and "Senatoor" is just normal senatoor pronunciation however that is.


Lord of Altera
in Serri's Profile, a "temptation" is a little quote I put at the bottom of the section entitled "The Path," which specifically details the different paths she can take in life, sorted by colors.

the temptations are quotes made by characters she encountered along the way, when she took what they said to heart and it affected her Path.
lemme just:

"Honor before mercy, family before all. bring your family honor in the light, so they may rest in peace when all turns dark" - Elias Beaumont
the code of the Beaumont Family, the family that had never accepted her, save for Elias. It was the code she held to after her mother's death, the one that told her she needed to be strong and honorable, so Coralin could rest in peace.

"but I matter, and you do too" -Vlad Wallins
the one thing that had stopped her from losing all hope in life, the thing that told her to keep living when her mother was dead and gone.

"my family did not believe I could... so I made a new one." - Morna Rhett
the words that convinced her to abandon her father's family, and no longer show loyalty to them. also the words that told her she could honor her mother, while still finding a new one.

"child, see this stone? it's my favorite stone. found it in a river and took with me. the water made it pretty. now it is broken, and gone forever. so it does not matter anymore" - Root
the advice given by a learned sage, advice she tries to follow. it also marked the moment she learned that the wisdom of kings and civilization was hollow.

"maybe you are alone..." - Aracena Mithtanil
the words, said in the midst of heartbreak, that sowed ancient doubt in her heart.

"I stand beside the holy man, the monarchs fear my wrath. None can move the way I can. The ever crooked path." - The Knight
a riddle, referring to the knight in a game of chess. the words struck her soul, as she had always strived to be a knight in her younger years.
that was the moment she learned she was already the Knight, for she walked the ever-crooked path.

"maybe together, we can walk towards a brighter future..." -Jaden Seeker
the words that convinced her she could still be a good person.

and finally, the lullaby.
sang by Elrowen to a half-asleep Serri, the significance of it is yet to be seen...

(@223hero7 @Sir Andrew Wallins @BrianAT16 @Niah @Balatro @CloakedReaper @samsam223 )


The Lurker
Retired Staff
in Serri's Profile, a "temptation" is a little quote I put at the bottom of the section entitled "The Path," which specifically details the different paths she can take in life, sorted by colors.

the temptations are quotes made by characters she encountered along the way, when she took what they said to heart and it affected her Path.
lemme just:

the code of the Beaumont Family, the family that had never accepted her, save for Elias. It was the code she held to after her mother's death, the one that told her she needed to be strong and honorable, so Coralin could rest in peace.

the one thing that had stopped her from losing all hope in life, the thing that told her to keep living when her mother was dead and gone.

the words that convinced her to abandon her father's family, and no longer show loyalty to them. also the words that told her she could honor her mother, while still finding a new one.

the advice given by a learned sage, advice she tries to follow. it also marked the moment she learned that the wisdom of kings and civilization was hollow.

the words, said in the midst of heartbreak, that sowed ancient doubt in her heart.

a riddle, referring to the knight in a game of chess. the words struck her soul, as she had always strived to be a knight in her younger years.
that was the moment she learned she was already the Knight, for she walked the ever-crooked path.

the words that convinced her she could still be a good person.

and finally, the lullaby.
sang by Elrowen to a half-asleep Serri, the significance of it is yet to be seen...

(@223hero7 @Sir Andrew Wallins @BrianAT16 @Niah @Balatro @CloakedReaper @samsam223 )
I still kind of feel bad about that RP. Cena was such a butt there.