Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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[Inactive] Gold and Purple, the Siren Song


Lord of Altera
@Padragin @Saelihn @BrianAT16

Padragin would have received (if the APS is worth their salt) a hand-drawn map to Lithui, with a small note saying "here I am!"

*written in elven*

I'd love to see you soon, but it's been getting hard for me to travel lately. I always thought we didn't talk much when we knew each other, which now seems to me like a real shame! but, there's been so much bad in this world, now I don't really want to know what happened to the rest of my old friends. so I guess if you're reading this and you're alive and well, then come over, and if you're not Saelihn, and she isn't alive anymore,
I don't want to know what happened.

but, nonetheless, I would be happy to see an old friend, so Saelihn, if you are alive, but not very much well, still come over. I'll see what I can do to soothe your recent woes.

Serella Caedit"

*written in elven, to ciaria*

We haven't spoken enough, and I need to show you home. meet me where everyone meets everyone.
but be careful, murderers stalk the place now.

- Serella Caedit"