Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Incandescent's Application [Approved-IceandFire]


Noble of Altera
The Whitelist Application Form
About You!

1. What is your Minecraft username?


2. How old are you?

3. What country are you from? What is your timezone?
United Kingdom, GMT

4. Have you read the King's Law, Code of Conducts, Official Lore, and the Player Guides yet?

5. In your own words, how would you define metagaming and powergaming?
Metagaming is used to refer to a variety of behaviours, all of which centre around behaving as if your character has access to information that you the player have access to out of character. This might be behaving as if the character you are playing has knowledge of the rules of the game, or behaving as if they can see usernames behind walls, or using your knowledge of someone else's schemes, OOC, to foil their plot.

Powergaming, likewise, also refers to a variety of behaviours that are all connected by their propensity to help the player/character ‘win’. Powergaming might manifest as personally confirming the consequences of your character's actions in an emote (“I pick the lock!” as opposed to “I attempt to pick the lock!”), or as behaving as if your character is capable of feats far beyond what they might reasonably be capable of (“My halfling can totally wrestle that bear to the ground with one arm!”) or even behaving as if your character is unreasonably skilled (“My fourteen year old human is a master blacksmith, weaver, mage, singer, actor, duelist, astronomer… and chef!”).

6. Do we allow X-Raying mods or X-Ray texture packs on the server?
Absolutely… not!

7. Tell us about yourself! Do you have any examples of your work?
Hi! I became interested in roleplay sometime around 2014, and since then it has blossomed into a genuine interest in the spiritual, esoteric and arcane. I’ve spent the last few years fairly avidly researching Eastern Religion, particularly Buddhism, which has been both life affirming and fascinating. I’m working through the first few months of my first job as an apprentice in local government, supporting IT for local politicians. I’ve played a lot of video games in my time, having started young by learning to read with Pokemon Ruby. Why read picture books when you can have a moving picture book with fire-breathing chickens? I’m also very interested in writing, and take a lot of time to ponder interesting questions before committing them to paper… well, electronic paper!

8. Did anyone refer you? If not, how did you find our server?
My good friend Google knew just where to point me when looking for a “minecraft fantasy roleplay server”!


Character Name: Wilimar Bluehand
Character Age: 18 (?)
Character Race: Halfling - Roaver

Appearance: Wilimar is bronze-tanned, silver-brown of hair and blue eyed. For a Roaver, famed for their loud, brash natures, he seems distant, perhaps even resolute. His lips are more often than not, pulled tight across his face in what might be pensive thought, or concentration, or perhaps just discomfort. He is middling in height, but lithe and well-muscled from tough desert living.

Written Test!
He stared at the ink on the rock for what he thought might be the last time. Stretching up into the pale blue sky above him, whose horizon was already brimming with the resplendent fire of desert dawn, the waymarker was awash with the artistry of his people. Here, a warning not to head west, dated some years ago. There, a child’s first addition, a little drawing of a four-legged beast; of what species, the drawing wasn’t quite good enough to tell. Everywhere, everything, every scribbled warning, ancient story, lover’s note, was stamped with a handprint in deepest blue. The colour of the heavens above which cradled the wandering sands of his wandering people. It was said that the colour had been chosen for just such a reason, to honour the Great Mother whose Sun, Moon and Stars guided them like lighthouses across the oceans of sand. The only things that remained constant in a land dominated by the unruly winds.

Dawn was coming on fast now. Already, as if it had been waiting to pounce from the darkness beneath the sand, the heat flooded down, and in, and up. It infiltrated the skin and clutched at the lungs, yet, for all that it tried to burn the life out of him, he couldn’t help but feel nostalgic for it. This was home, his home, our home, he thought. Despite the fires that raged ever higher on the horizon, he couldn’t tear his eyes away from the patterned stone. The nostalgia, the longing, the sadness… he would have shed a tear if he could. He had been fasting for three days so far, a day for his birth, life and ‘death’ in these scorching dunes. He had resolved to leave with only the purity of the desert still in his heart, the gnawing winds and cerulean sky.

Go, a voice whispered in the back of his mind, that desert purity stirring instincts into action, wander roads you’ve never seen. Go, and know more than this lonesome place. This was the last marker. This was the last house of his people, beyond which their voices halted in their throats and grew finally silent. Within the bounds of these stones he could still hear their songs, feel the beat of their drums, see their footprints in every fold of sand. But beyond? In the forests which creaked, screeched and scuttled, in the mountains that scraped the face of the Mother, in the stone cities, so still and grey, he feared he would forget them. We are your blood, they reassured, more vital than the sands, hotter than the Sun, alive with voices more beautiful than whistling wind. From us, you cannot be taken, for no tree’s roots lie deeper in you than ours, no mountain can eclipse us, no city can still our souls. We are the free people of this place, and we are free through you.

When he came at last to the end of the sands, it was as if a burden had been lifted. They were silent not because they had been forgotten, or stolen, or lost, but because they were at peace. His eyes gleamed with a renewed lust for adventure.

((I feel that I should clarify that the 'voices' are for dramatic effect. There's no ghost listening or magic dream-eating spirits or what have you here, no sir, none here!))


Based on what?
Retired Staff


I'm pleased to announce your application has been approved. I hope you enjoy your stay in Altera. Before logging on make sure you read the Survival Guide. It will help you on your way to get established in our World. If you need to know any additional information, everything can be found in our King's Law. Make sure you consult either of these two before asking a question in-game or on discord.

+You are probably eager to jump into the game, so there is no need to read all the links. Just use these as a reference for later.+

Survival Guide - Read this to help when you login!
The King's Law
How to Create a Character
The Official Lore
Town Census
HollowCrafting - Our Custom Crafting Plugin!
Plugins Command Guide
Donate to the Server!

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..for easier access to answering your questions and joining our roleplay community.

Please make sure you follow our server rules!
  • If you're stuck unable to interact with anything or chat, try using /warp whitelist, if this doesn't work then please message a staff member with the problem.
  • If you feel you'll have trouble getting familiar with the server, post below and I'll contact you in the most convenient way!
  • I'm your whitelist approver and a "PR Member." I'm here to help.

I see no reason this one shouldn't be approved. It's nice to see all the fourm lurking paid off. If you have any more questions pop up Feel free to ask us! Have fun!