Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Inactive Izzinid Tel'Yorh


IRL Visage Worshipper

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General Information

Full name: Izzinid Tel’Yorh.
Aliases/Titles: None of note.
Age: 37.
Date of birth: 13th Day of Ghostmoon - 2270, Year of Dreams.
Date of death: N/A.
Race: Moor Elf.
Gender: Male.
Sexuality: Undetermined.
Current residence: Wusk'gar'delk, Linlea.
Relationship status: Unmarried and disinterested.
Social status: Commoner, non-relevant.

Traits of Voice

Accent: Izzinid enunciates softer vowels heavier when not speaking his native tongue. Otherwise, his manner of indocution is indicative of the Ashlands nearby Linlea. Lowborn, unrefined.
Language spoken: Commonspeak.
Other languages known: Mok’yra, Elven.
Style of speaking: Aesthetician, if comfortable.
Timbre: Shrewd and sober.

Physical Appearance

Height: 6’0” or 182 cm.
Weight: 164 lbs. or 11.7 stone.
Eye color: Cloud hued, partnered by a sky colored ring about his pupil.
Skin color: Heather.
Shape of face: Diamond jaw, dense and lifted cheekbones.
Distinguishing features: An atrociously blatant deformity of his left cheek and nose, bent near-serpentine. A long gash, since healed spanning from beneath his lacrimal caruncle and ending beside the ridge of his right brow.
Build of body: Endomorph.
Hair color: Sable.
Hair style: Locked firmly into a bun. Unbound, it spans to the area below his shoulder blades.
Complexion: Passively gritty, at times kept if their circumstance warrants such.
Posture: Tall, eloquent, regal.
Tattoos: A branding of his origin; in onyx color ink, a symbolic rune of ancient Moor warriors is etched beneath his right eye, and designed to the edge of his ear. Other markings of this sort scorch his arms, tandem to white wing-like etchings across the span of his upper back.
Piercings: None.
Typical clothing: A thick, mute color woolen coat. Often accompanied by a white pelt of some natural predator to the north, with dark and tight trousers and black leather boots.
Is seen by others as: Unknown and a stranger.


Likes: Solitude, contemplation, naturalism.
Dislikes: Ignis, patriots, desolate landscapes and architecture, subversives to change.
Education: Unprofessional, regional through way of storytellers and bards.
Fears: Corruption, tainted sustenance, ignorance.
Personal goals: Defend the hatchling, surmise the route to greater cohabitation in regards to the elemental within.
General attitude: Immersive, interested.
Religious values: Undetermined.
General intelligence: Reliable, despite its faults.


Peaceful or violent: Violent, but most slights are taken on the chin.
Weaponry: An iron crow's beak.
Style of fighting: Saboteur, elusive.
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