Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Deceased Jack Yorgon


I think I might like it here
Nickname/Alias: The Cook.
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Social Status: Soldier/Cook in the Hawklight camp.
Sexuality: Uh..
Height: 6'6''
Weight: Hefty
Date of Birth: ~
Date of Death: 16th of Mistset, 2260
Homeland: Farm around Azerport
Current Home: Hawklight Camp.

Build: A mountain of a man (Human standards) Tree trunk legs and a barrel chest along with a nice beer belly.
Hair: Black
Eyes: Green
Skin: Tan
Identifying Marks:
Appearance: He's been recently heavily scarred. His neck on the right side is a large bite scar, his chest has several bear claw scars, and his back has ten fresh whipping scars. He has a well kept beard, short clean hair and his clothes are often clean and neat.
Clothing: He often wears his coat made by his daughter Illden underneath that is a clean white wool shirt with grey or brown wool trousers.
Hygiene: Is a clean freak. Before cooking he often scrubs his entire arm and even his hair; However, that's not to say he won't get his hand's dirty he'll just was them afterwards!
Voice: Deep. Reverberating.

Strengths: Will honestly adopt any orphans he finds and spoil them.
Fears: Cooking a horse stew.
Weaknesses: Slow, And Caparii's...
Intelligence: Can read and write common as well as speak two languages
Languages: Common, Is learning Fae from Sugar.
Profession: Father, Soldier

Personality: will often try to resolve conflict through peace talks first, if that didn't work then kill them. Also has a huge soft spot for orphans and spoils them to no end.
Religion or Cults: If it rains it's because the clouds hate you.
Alignment: Lawful good.

Place: Hawklight Camp.
Pastime: Horse riding.
Food: Rum cake.
Drink: Tea.
Colour: ~
Animal: Horses.

Least Favourite...
Place: ~
Pastime: Actually he doesn't like cooking all that much but does what he must.
Food: Grass "Stew"
Drink: Sea Water.
Colour: ~
Animal: Wolves/Bears.


Combat :
Peaceful or Violent:
Peaceful most of the time has quite a bit of patience but beware if you piss him off.
Weaponry: Hunting spear, Bare hands.
Combat Training: Punch it till it stops moving then poke it with the pointy stick.

Other Information
Short term goals :

x - Done
/- Half done
Get proper combat training.
Long term goals :
Own a house.[]
Edcauate his daughters []
Have a son []
Find a wife []

Injuries :
Wolf bite (x2) (Healed and kept clean)
Bear clawing (x8) (Healed kept clean)
Whipping gashes (x10) (In the process of healing kept clean)
Sleeping Habits : Drinks himself to sleep everynight.
Energy Levels :
Eating Habits : Drinks more then he should, and eats in small ammounts but mulitple times.
Exercise Habits : LIFT HEAVY THINGS.
Memory :
Unhealthy Habits : Drinking a lot.
Mental Health : Is Happy with how things are going. Is a bit overprotective of his kids.
Hunting spear, Bear pelt, Wolf pelt, Knife. Fur coat
Pets/Animals: N/A
Owned Homes: N/A
Carried Inventory: Knife. Hunting spear
Jewelry: N/A
General Wealth:

Jack was interesting to play to say the least. He started out as generally a nice guy stepping forward when people needed help and doing what needed to be done; However, Over time and through roleplay Jack developed this.. Need or drive to help people. Most of the people accepted his help right away. Some needed convincing to take his help and others outright refused. The final person he tried to help was Odette.

Odette was broken in Jack's mind and at first she accepted jacks help graciously; However, The deeper Jack dug into her past the more broken she was. Eventually Jack took matters into his own hands thinking that Odette was not in a right mind to refuse help. Of course Out of Character I knew this was wrong but I had to think about what Jack would do. He nearly drugged the whole camp trying to get Odette to eat. When Theo found out Jack had to drug him as well and through a mix of lies Theo lost his mind.

So I guess the saying is true. "You either die a Hero, Or live long enough to see your self become the Villain." Jack had good intentions but went about them in a very wrong way.

I think the best part of Jack's rp was Illden and Allison. Jack quickly adopted them both as his step-daughters Illden being a child actor wanting to be in law enforcement, and Allison being a Jester wanting to form her own troupe. They quickly fell in together going about making plays in the camp and ambushing people into doing on the spot comedy routines. While different on the outside they were almost Twins on the inside. I do feel a bit sad out of character not being Jack and helping them grow in-character. They are both played very well by Bitann Bakaling

My in-game name is: MacRoye
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It took a lot to get here
:( I'll miss him. He was a good character! I know this cause once Illden finds out IC'ly I'll have to add something I've been holding off from the character sheet for a while.


Better than sliced bread
Jack dead..? Never forgetti that headbutt game. You know you can revive him if you'd like?


I think I might like it here
Jack dead..? Never forgetti that headbutt game. You know you can revive him if you'd like?
Well talking it over with people involved on his last day it was decided to keep Jack dead. His last rp involved a lot of final wishes and promises which would ruin other's rp if Jack came back! Perhaps I'll revive him in the future? But for now Jack is dead.