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Upcoming [Jan 2] Festival of the New Year


Lord of Altera

Festival of the New Year
The calendars have changed to the next year, and it is the first year that King Peter will see in full as ruler of Anhald. To celebrate, he has organized a feast and tournament for all of the world to attend.

Classification: Moderate, Public
Where: All throughout the city of Breakwater
Whom: Noblemen who wish to feast and test their skill in the joust, and commoners who want to attend the archery and melee competitions.
Hosts: King Peter, @Cap
When: 3:00 PM EST

The Feast
All noblemen and their ladies and guests will be invited into the King's hall to feast with him. The meal will be four courses - soup, vegetables and seafood, a roast boar, and the desert. Commoners will not be invited. The feast shall be held at the end of the combat events, and will be held as a lunch or dinner and the courses changed depending on what time they finish at.

A Joust

Knights and cavalrymen will ride to test their skill with a lance. The winner shall receive 2500 radiants and a request of the new King, as long as it is within limit. Horses will not be provided. [OOC - If you have an IC horse but no OOC one, we will lend you a spare. Jousting is roll based]

A Melee
Soldiers shall test their sword arms in a melee to the last man. The winner shall receive 1500 radiants, and a decorated sallet helm. Any man who kills another during the fights, be it by accident or with purpose, forfeits his prize if he is the victor. [OOC - Please avoid killing other characters if you can]

An Archery Contest

Those who wish to test their skill with a bow or crossbow may do so at the archery contest. The winner shall receive 1500 radiants, and a quiver's worth of finely made arrows or bolts. He who shoots the farthest and most accurate wins. [OOC - Archery is in-game archery based]

Note - The joust and the melee will not kill any characters intentionally, but tragic accidents might seriously injure you! Make sure you and your character know what you're getting into, even in the mock-combat of a melee, and understand that entering the violent sports is consent to IC injury and death!
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Lord of Altera
- Sir Vlad
- Lady Jacqueline
- Sir James
- Sir Alec
- Raphael
- Henri

Melee Contestants
- Sir Vlad
- Lady Jacqueline
- Sir Alec
- Raphael

- Wynnter
- Nyhllis
- Ced
- Raphael
- Falkner
Speak up if you're attending, so I can add you to the lists.
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Lord of Altera
Reason this isn't on the New Year's day, or the day after, is because we're all a bunch of party animals and I'm sure we'll be busy.


Lord of Altera
I am going to be there, little doubt about it, though participating in archery is what I'd probably do, if anything.. I don't know if I could do anything else.


Dark Council Elite
Damn! This looks neat. Throw more festivals for seasons. I will be able to attend the next. As Parlo, of course.


Lord of Altera
Retired Staff
A pirate.. jousting, oh boy I may need to sneak on somehow and watch how badly that will go.


Faith prevail
Retired Staff
Good thing it's the second... I'll probably be hungover on the first... given how my gf keeps trying to convince me to come to her new year's party.

Sign me up for jousting with Henri... we all know how archery went...


Lord of Altera
Because of an unenjoyable RP experience, this event is now semi-private. Just inform me if you're showing up, and you can only come for the express purpose of attending the festival. No drama llamas and no orphan assassins.