Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Finished [Jan 5th] The Seeds of Chaos


Retired Staff

The Seeds of Chaos

« In the blood for our Father, in the hands of our Sons. »
« All who walk his bloody path will find salvation, even in death. »

Aelyth's Party

7:00PM EST | 4:00PM PST

A duo of individuals passing in and out of Sanardu purchasing large amounts of survival rations and soldier-ly supplies are catching some side eyes. They’ve come three or four times now, disappearing off into the wilderness for weeks at a time. In passing conversation, Aelyth picks up on the existence of this odd occurrence. The next time this duo passes through, Aelyth is able to get their eyes on them.

The duo both are wearing commoner’s attire, yet bare soldier’s blades on their left hip. A smear of black soot on each of their napes and back of their necks. Odd. Amidst the duo's perusing and shopping for supplies, their clothes rub their soot covered napes. Slowly, a corner of the residue is rubbed free. This reveals a portion of tattooing there, what is visible is a circular labyrinthian pattern.

How peculiar . . .

The duo has been tracked. A camp has been identified

The camp is inhabited by more than four individuals, could be more.
The camp has palisades, lightly fortified.
The camp is centered around a mine entrance.

There are debts to be paid on both sides. Who will be paying... remains undetermined...

Thank you, Scroll120 for your assistance in setting up IRP notes/documentation. I appreciate your help with all of the events I've ran thus far.​


Lord of Altera
Thank you, @Scroll120 for your assistance in setting up IRP notes/documentation. I appreciate your help with all of the events I've ran thus far.
More thanks to you for hosting these fun events. Not to mention your help with all the advices.