Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Active Jarl Freya Lonmar


The Court Jester
Retired Staff
*Monotonous melody plays over the tannoy*

Relations have encountered slight turbulence, kindly return to your seats and fasten your safety belts until further notice.


Yū Yi
Anna is higher than big brother on relations! Succes!

But seriously. I love Freya, it is a fantastic experince RPing with her. ^^


The Court Jester
Retired Staff
Anna is higher than big brother on relations! Succes!
I would be... extremely, extremely surprised if anyone managed to be lower than that particular name.
But seriously. I love Freya, it is a fantastic experince RPing with her. ^^
scrat happy.gif
Gah how was I not watching this thread-
is of sneaky ;D
Need to waltz my way out of 'Unsure' somehow...
Here we goooo again~!
... HollowWorld, where character profiles turn into popularity competitions xD
I laughed a bit too much at that. "A bit" being, y'know, nearly inhaling noodles.


You've yeed your last haw
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