Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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[ Jishrim ] Rogal Glade - T3


The Alchemist
Staff member
Just as the sun falls beneath the horizon in Storm’s Landing, Rogal finds themselves at work at The Scaled Veil.
Between travels, the officework of acquiring new business has claimed his time.
All of the workers gone home, he is alone with his thoughts.
Between pages of inventory and expenses, Rogal looks up to find himself no longer sat at a desk.
Instead, they are within the Spider’s Den.
The sight of multicolored webs and echoed laughter surrounds him, a voice burrowing into his mind:
‘Rise, Mine Son.’
In an instant, he finds himself in the streets of the slums, awakened, and anew.
Welcome to Tier Three, Son of Madness.

Rogal is now The Prophet.​