Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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JustTheEngineer's Whitelist Application [Accepted - Jase]


Country roads, take me home
Retired Staff
1. What is your Minecraft username? JustTheEngineer

2. How old are you? 24

3. What country are you from? United States

4. Have you read the King's Law, Code of Conducts, Official Lore, and the Player Guides yet? Yes, I have.

5. In your own words, how would you define metagaming and powergaming?

Metagaming is the use of information gathered through out-of-character (OOC) means, and used in-character (IC). An example would be of a character knowing another character’s name without that character’s introduction.

Powergaming is the forced action/interaction of a character without proper roleplay. One example would be a character forcing a hit upon another character without giving that character a chance to respond to their attempted strike. Another example is the character having some sort of unfair power/skill, such as performing actions of a perfect master without flaw. Let’s use lockpicking here, where the thief just perfectly unlocks a chest with a few short tumbles on the lock without breaking the pick just because they are a self-classified expert. My final example is a jack-of-all-trades character, who simply knows how to do everything (though this is a combination of metagaming and powergaming).

6. Do we allow X-Raying mods or X-Ray texture packs on the server? Negative, this server has a zero-tolerance on any sort of cheating modification/bug abuse of the game.

7. Name one of our current Mentors.
I feel bad picking one at random, therefore so no one is left out and in no particular order: Niko, Jase, Cymic_, Shao, Luam.

8. Tell us about yourself!

Hello, as my username indicates, I’m an engineer in the United States. Everytime, you flick a light switch, I may have had something to do with it, as I work on Power Delivery Engineering, primarily in the central United States. I enjoy going on long drives with my friends and family, I play guitar, I sing a long in the car, and I write programs and stories in my free time. I have two female cats, and if you are lucky I might share photos of them one day. Calypso (Cappy) is believed to be about 10, and Arya is believed to be about 2 (both are adopted, which is why it is guessed how old they are). Cappy was thrown into a ditch as a kitten with her mother and brother, and the neighbor farmer saw them as he was mowing the ditch in his tractor, and pulled them out. Arya was born in a hoarder’s home with about 80+ other cats. I enjoy Classic Rock, Orchestra, Classic Country, and Red Dirt music. Sometimes if I’m feeling inspired, I’ll write a song or two and play them. Some other games I play include Empyrion Galactic Survival, League of Legends, Cities Skylines, and replays of The Witcher 3. I also enjoy reading books (I’m deep in Pierce Brown’s sequel trilogy to the Red Rising series). I have many good television shows, so I won’t bother boring you with that as I believe if you are still reading this, you’re either dedicated to your job, or we will get along very well (or both hopefully).

9. Do you have any examples of your work?

As a former server owner, admin, moderator, and lore writer, I have tons of examples. If you are curious and want to read more, let me know anytime and I’d be happy to divulge (most) of my secrets! I don’t have any photos of building examples currently, but I’ve done some decent ones.

Some of this lore is still officially used on some servers, so keep in mind this work cannot be copied, redistributed, or used by any entity without my permission. I highly recommend you open the file ‘Valmyr’ if you like reading lore.

10. Did anyone refer you? If not, how did you find our server? I found you on Planetminecraft, but I basically googled you.

About Your Character!

Character Name: Cassius ‘Cas’ West

Character Age: 19

Character Race: Anhalder (Grandfather on mother’s side was Common human)

Appearance: (See skin picture in spoiler)
Height: 6’4”
Build: Light-Medium (Lean, but strong)
Hair: Parted sandy brown/blonde (rarish light due to his grandmother’s genetics).
Eyes: Electric Blue
Skin: Fair (Sun exposure darkened)
Clothing: Light-brown leather long-gambeson, brown pants, dark leather gloves covered with metal vambraces, dark leather belt, and dark leather boots.
Accessories: Steel sword, lute, saxe knife, and a shorter hidden boot knife.

(Optional) Picture of the Skin:

Written Test!
Cas holds the door open for an elderly couple before escaping the downpour rain himself. He shakes his head, trying to get the wet out of his hair. He looks around the tavern and smiles to himself because there isn’t a single bard playing or within eyesight. He makes his way to the bar and tosses a coin on the counter.

“Single bottle of whiskey.”

“Comin’ right up!”

Cas receives a bottle and an empty cup. He heads over to the hearth, admiring the warmth from it for a moment as he pours himself a drink. He sets his gear down and sits on the stone by the hearth with his lute held comfortably against his chest. He begins to play a tune, not singing at first, but with enough excitement to draw attention from other customers in the tavern. When he has most of their attention, he starts to sing.

As the night draws on, the occasional passerby tosses him a coin. He collects them neatly at his feet, but tries to not count them. He needs the money, but he cares not about the fortune. If he wanted wealth, he’d have stayed at home with his family, but he hated being trapped in that stone prison. He was born to explore the world, and explore the world he shall. He’s not a firstborn son, but he was the apple to his mother’s eye. Said he always looked like his common looking grandfather, though his father thought all the boys looked like himself. Narcissistic psychopath. Typical for someone who spouts about honor, family, and duty.

Distracted from his thoughts, Cas notices a beautiful girl watching him play. He smiles at her, flashing his smile. She giggles and tosses him a coin. He changes to a love song, speaking about a fair maiden and her captivating eyes. The girl blushes until she’s joined by a gentleman around her same age. She quickly looks back at her likely lover, and Cas sighs. He refuses to get in another lover’s quarrel again. Bards may be hits with the ladies, but it seems like all the ladies are married or have angry father’s.

The hearth slowly dims, and the tavern empties. Cas sighs and walks over to the tavern keep and asks if he could have a room for the night. He pays the keep most of his night’s income to reserve the room, then heads upstairs. He prepares himself for bed, and then lays on it thinking about all that he saw that day. He rode on the back of a cart of a wine merchant, watching mountains spread along the Maritte River Valley for miles. He remembered the beautiful buckskin he saw run by a lake, a small stream with a young boy fishing in it, and a family of deer running through a thicket of trees in the foothills.

He closes his eyes, holding onto the handle of his saxe knife under his pillow. Could never be too careful when on the road, especially when so far from home. His sword rests against his bed, but the saxe knife is long and deceptively hidden easily. As he drifts off to sleep, he remembers that girl smiling at him, and he wonders if he will settle down soon. A bard was the life he chose, but maybe he didn’t have to choose to always be a stranger. Maybe one day he can come home to see a family of his own making. He barely remembers to pray before his mind betrays his body. His thoughts cease, and the darkness of sleep consumes him.

Thank you for taking the time to review my application! Have a great rest of your day!


"Something need doing?"
Really good read! One thing however~
  • For starting off gear, we don't allow any tool, weapon, or armor that is of any nice quality. You will have to acquire nice things in-game, and cannot create them in the back story. (In your case, you should not have a steel sword, only at best an iron one.)
Other than that, looking really good! Let me know if you are alright with that, or have any questions by responding to the thread.


Country roads, take me home
Retired Staff
Apologies, there was a lot to read and I probably missed that somewhere. I’m perfectly content with an iron supplement. Thank you for being thorough and not letting me embarrass myself in-game with this mistake!


"Something need doing?"
Apologies, there was a lot to read and I probably missed that somewhere. I’m perfectly content with an iron supplement. Thank you for being thorough and not letting me embarrass myself in-game with this mistake!
Mhmm :)
All new characters should always start off with really basic weapons/tools/armor and skills. I think that is reflected for the rest of the test though, so I am happy to welcome you to the server! Consider yourself to be whitelisted!


I'm pleased to announce your application has been approved. I hope you enjoy your stay in Altera. Before logging on make sure you read the Survival Guide. It will help you on your way to get established in our World. If you need to know any additional information, everything can be found in our King's Law. Make sure you consult either of these two before asking a question ingame.

If you're stuck unable to interact with anything or chat, try using /warp whitelist, if this doesn't work then please message a staff member with the problem.

+You are probably eager to jump into the game, so there is no need to read all the links. Just use these as a reference for later.+

Survival Guide - Read this to help when you login!
The King's Law
How to Create a Character
The Official Lore
Town Census
Plugins Command Guide
Donate to the Server!

Lastly, please make sure you understand the following points.

+Do not Powergame, Metagame or use X-Rays on the server! Our moderation team makes sure to deal with severe reports.
+ Anyone found to be griefing our server and subsequently blaming their sibling, friend, dog or any other person other than themselves will be banned irrespective of their innocence.