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Finished [Kingdom of Hierax] Notice ad trial in absentia



To the Master of Justice and the High Court of the Kingdom of Hierax,

My client, Drake Hawklight, former Duke of Dawnshard, has read and acknowledged the holding and shall endeavor to respect and uphold this court's decision. He now sheds his former title and affiliation with the Kingdom of Hierax and wishes to reintroduce himself as Sir Drake Hawklight of Tahkul Rimtar. He appreciates the court's willingness to return family affairs to the family and is pleased with the clarity and precision in which this decision was delivered.

I, Miles Holdsworth, appreciate the patience this court held with my repeated insistence in the bias of this court. It is clear to me now that I was wrong in my assessment, for your decision came within reason and was justified. I respect this court's honoring my experience in the law, even if it were not in Hierax law, and I look forward to working with this court in the future should my services be desired.

May the Gods be with you!

Miles Holdsworth, Attorney
Holdsworth Law, Tambry



I had a tremendous amount of fun working on this case. I want to thank Dracon, Jak, and the other parties involved in the case for respecting the process and respecting eachother. For the most part, the antagonism was contained to IC, and that really impresses me.

In the future, I would highly recommend trials take place amongst the forums, for it allows others to see our actions, makes it easier to argue with people on the other side of the world, and is an excellent format to allow both parties more time to respond.

This case in particular helped the Kingdom of Hierax develop its own laws, helped my character gain knowledge about Hierax laws and garner a reputation (good or bad haha), and brought to light the ooc and ic maturity of the Kingdom of Hierax. I'm very impressed with everything about this thread and, believe it or not, I did find this whole process entertaining.

Shameless plug for my attorney character, Miles Holdsworth!

This thread should serve as an example for why this server is so successful.

You all are awesome, thank you!


Lord of Altera
So now that everything ahs ben said:

I want to thanks everyone for all the player loves and likes we (both parties) have received. And to Jak and Antilogy for playing along.

The justice you see above is of course just medieval justice at best, with the modern elements that come from Hierax's own law mixed in.
A real court (at least in Austria) would for example not be allowed to simply not decide on things it has been asked to do. (Such as the matter of the name).

We are still a medieval RP server so a fully constitutional court would have been kinda out of place and time (OMG its a space time rupture! Red alert!) - So I tried to do the best justice one could expect from a medieval court ;).

Of course we had advantages here, such certain lating sentences being mandatory knowledge and the fact that we had a law in place to make sure the Master of Justice cannot be declared biased.

- Said law itself was actually born from the Server's OOC situation though, as it would be impossible for ANY of the regions on the server to actually have enough replacement judges that are not in one way or another, involved with either of the parties due to its limited server population.


Yeah, this was a wombination of medieval and modern judicial process put together by a law student in Austria and one in the U.S. Our laws and understanding of them are not always on the same page. Overall though, I think this is a excellent example of how something like this might be carried out.


Lord of Altera
Lol, this should be printed in a book. This thread shows awesome RP!
I had the best fun reading it and discussing the matters at hand with dracon and other aeyeras members over skype :D

Very impressed with @DraconDarknight & @Antilogy
@Somnastra i hereby like to nominee both Dracon & Antilogy for player of the month :) reasons are clearly visible in this thread,


Puppycat Herder
Events Staff
Lore Staff
Retired Owner
Lol, this should be printed in a book. This thread shows awesome RP!
I had the best fun reading it and discussing the matters at hand with dracon and other aeyeras members over skype :D

Very impressed with @DraconDarknight & @Antilogy
@Somnastra i hereby like to nominee both Dracon & Antilogy for player of the month :) reasons are clearly visible in this thread,
SendmeaPMorIswearI'llignoreit. :heart:


Lord of Altera
Greyson sits somewhere in hiding, and hearing word of this trial, she smirks.
"Glad I threw that bottle at your head; now I'm justified."


Reaching for the Heavens
Retired Staff
Guys this was awesome. <--- (that's a big fat period right there)

@Antilogy & @DraconDarknight thank you so much for putting your time and effort in this. It has been a while since I read every word of that many walls of text, let alone legal walls of text... (I think only @Legion and @Naelwyn managed that before...)

@ all the rest of the players, thanks for not littering a thread like this with useless comments! (those gifs and pics were NOT useless...)
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Guys this was awesome. <--- (that's a big fat period right there)

@Antilogy & @DraconDarknight thank you so much for putting your time and effort in this. It has been a while since I read every word of that many walls of text, let alone legal walls of text... (I think only @Legion and @Naelwyn managed that before...)

@ all the rest of the players, thanks for not littering a thread like this with useless comments! (those gifs and pics were NOT useless...)
Thanks @bodejodel

Could not have done this without your House's patience and willingness to allow this to be decided IC'ly, which IMHO is pretty cool. Also, I owe the direction of my content to Jak's character's wishes as well as Dracon's character's willingness to bring me along for the ride.

I almost can't wait to see somebody else get in trouble so we can do it again!
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