Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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kylevaters application [Declined - Angryboy]

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About me:
My Minecraft username is kylevaters.
I am 14 i was born on Jan, 2 2000 in Canada.
i have read all of your guildelines.
i am 14 years old. i am in grade 8. i play many games including Rust, Dayz standalone, battle field and many other games.

i love hunting,fishing,tracking and mob hunting.

About my character.
RP name: ulfric stormcloak

Age: 36 years old.

Race: human

Appearance: my character is a human crusader. he has a red cross on his chest.

alot of things are not caps in this because the message board would not let me make then caps.
Cya in game.
go altera go


Natus de Aurum; Natus ex bellum
Yeah I'm gonna go ahead and say no for a variety of reasons...
I'm sorry, but your application has failed to meet the criteria listed in the application template and has been declined. Please carefully read and follow all the instructions to pass the application test.
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