Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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La Bette Artwork


The original mute
Katherine's one is cute, and reds one is cutesy (means its basically cute but not cute... I don't know how to explain that better)


Lord of Altera
Could I get a Chibi? I can't really write, and I'm not really good at RP, but I could pay you in diamonds or I could draw you a picture ( though it probaly wont be as good as yours )


Roleplay keeper
Diamonds sound good. I never mine, and with all the fighting there is.. Do you have a reference picture? Skin is rather hard to go by.


Lord of Altera
Her dress would be kinda a mixture of these

Not sure if this will help at all, these are just random images that I found that kinda look like how I want her, but in Chibi form >.>


Lord of Altera
Bette... do you still make chibis? Cuss i really want one :3 il be eternaly grateful! And maby carry your favour in the arena? :-D