Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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La Bette Artwork


Roleplay keeper
Not exactly.. But, if you tell me something that happend to the character, short and good. Like.. Somebody very close it it, died. Then I'll draw your character sad :) But I honestly need a drawing of the character if I'm supposed to draw it.


Lord of Altera
Not exactly.. But, if you tell me something that happend to the character, short and good. Like.. Somebody very close it it, died. Then I'll draw your character sad :) But I honestly need a drawing of the character if I'm supposed to draw it.

Limadan..? :3?

He has alot of reasons to be sad..Only..He's scary as nether..


Roleplay keeper
I could make a try .-. I honestly want him to look cute and annoyed.
Edit: If I am to draw him, could I also have a quote from one of his friends or him, to put into the picture?


Lord of Altera
I could make a try .-. I honestly want him to look cute and annoyed.
Edit: If I am to draw him, could I also have a quote from one of his friends or him, to put into the picture?
Well..cute would be hard..

Google images-brink, the anger..

The scarf he wears looks like that only a green main color, and the threads are brown....The rest are just brown and black robes..

And a qoute..
Yu want that a evil, funny, clever etc. one..?