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Active Lana Wake - Glowing Rose

I am Wake

The Rose
Retired Staff
Lindana Update:

• Added link to Blessed Profile
• Updated Status
• Added
theme song
• Added new nickname thanks to Svetlana NoodlePoodle
• Added a link to the Kaltic page.
• Lana is now in a relationship
• She has gained a little weight, back to 149lbs
• New fear: being discovered as a Visage. Could not post this one before c:
• Lana is learning Aorian!
• Religious inclination updated.
• Goals updated.

• Relations updated!
Ronak Rothguard is now a Trusted Friend
Kadhab of Sool, North and Lucian Moonstone are now Liked
Foxbells moved to Acquaintances
Added Linden (obviously), Sophie, Isaac, Svetlana, Elanor, Kazu, Eleanora.

• Added two variants of the same artwork beneath Linden's relation c: I'll post them here for ease~
I am very happy with these :heart: Artwork by Sqootshy!


I am Wake

The Rose
Retired Staff
Familia Update:

• Added artwork gift from RagingLunacy, made by TealCreations!
• Removed occupations. She is no longer Gelehrte or a Bookstore owner.
• Changed residence. She now lives in Linistel Palace.
• Lana's left wrist now glows. This is the [Bond of Love] spell.
• Lana has gained a little weight.
• Added two new fears, relating to the Silveira family and her new lover.
• Lana has learned Aorian quite well.
• Goals edited.
• Religious inclination edited.
• Lana's sword is now enchanted. Sparky!
• Changed Lana's most favourite activity and least favourite passtime.
• Backstory Added to, kept up to date.
• Added new artwork section below relations for art that does not belong~

• Relations Updated!
Sugar, Illyrana, Marceau and Kadhab moved to "Close Friends"
Ronak, Rolland, Peter and Lura moved to "Friends"
Uriel and Podric moved to "Acquaintances"
Foxbells, Matheiu de Courtnay and Richard Varyn moved to "Disliked"
Added Cassius, Grey, Eimar,

I am Wake

The Rose
Retired Staff
Fury oh Fury Update:

Lana is very pissed off about the usurper of Linistel.

• Lana has been cursed by Visage to forget specific memories. Edits made to represent this, especially in backstory section.
• New theme added.
• Removed many scars, as they have faded thanks to Linden's Divine Wine and Grapes.
• Edited Values, Religious views and Goals. New status added.
• Lana now speaks Aorian fluently.
• Edited combat section with links. Her sword will be more relevant in coming days.
• Backstory continued. 'Visage Arc' complete.

• Relations Updated!
Removed Rahm and Kublai. Curse of Visage made Lana forget them.
Lord Thure Hardanger moved to "Close Friends"
Lady Milah Sicarus, Sir Rowley Durandal, Jocasta Vita and Richard Varyn moved to "Liked."
Asher Varyn moved to "Strangers."
Added Antone Rosenthal, Candice Kane, Iqya'mut and Eliss.

Please poke me here if you want to be added to relations: I have so many relations that I am forgetting who Lana meets now.


Lord of Altera
Fury oh Fury Update:

Lana is very pissed off about the usurper of Linistel.

• Lana has been cursed by Visage to forget specific memories. Edits made to represent this, especially in backstory section.
• New theme added.
• Removed many scars, as they have faded thanks to Linden's Divine Wine and Grapes.
• Edited Values, Religious views and Goals. New status added.
• Lana now speaks Aorian fluently.
• Edited combat section with links. Her sword will be more relevant in coming days.
• Backstory continued. 'Visage Arc' complete.

• Relations Updated!
Removed Rahm and Kublai. Curse of Visage made Lana forget them.
Lord Thure Hardanger moved to "Close Friends"
Lady Milah Sicarus, Sir Rowley Durandal, Jocasta Vita and Richard Varyn moved to "Liked."
Asher Varyn moved to "Strangers."
Added Antone Rosenthal, Candice Kane, Iqya'mut and Eliss.

Please poke me here if you want to be added to relations: I have so many relations that I am forgetting who Lana meets now.
time to reread

*pushes up glasses*

I am Wake

The Rose
Retired Staff
Chilling Down in Linistel Update:


Lana's personality has had a more cheerful, content and scholarly revamp. The way I Roleplay her has been changed fundamentally. She is hopefully now more enjoyable to RP with, albeit more reclusive for now.

• Added Zoslore's artwork of Lana =) It was originally made for whitelisting.
• Theme changed. The true meaning of this song fits well with Lana's character, just give it a google~
• Values, General Attitude and General Intelligence edited.
• "Become a Mage" added to Short-Term and Long-Term Goals. She does not mind when. She is patient.
• Enchantment removed from the Iron Rose.
Explanation link given.
• Star Wars Lana artwork added to 'spare art' spoilers below Relations. Very fond of "Darth Rusuu"

• Relations Updated!
Queen Sugar Silveira moved from "Close Friends" to "Loved," the first non-romantic interest Lana actually loves.
Lady Milah Sicarus moved from "Liked" to "Close Friends"
Seer Maebh moved from "Close Friends" to "Liked."
Ove Sage and Candice Kane moved from "Acquaintances" to "Liked"
Lord Richard Varyn moved from "Liked" to "Acquaintances."
Lord Mathieu de Courtnay moved from "Disliked" to "Acquaintances."
Sophie Velour moved from "Strangers" to "Acquaintances."

Added Orro, Felsummer, Byrne, Florence, Rahm, Kublai, Talos, Alfonso.
Edits made to a few relations. RIP Jorvun :(

poke me for relation if I missed you

I am Wake

The Rose
Retired Staff
Hey, that's a Lana Update:

• Added link to Red Rose Charity.
• Status and theme changed.
• Residence updated to include Lana's ship.
• Complete overhaul of Lana's personality section, instead of editing from the old persona, included information on what Lana is like now.
• Religious inclination edited. Lana now worships the Figment of Magic.
• Lana's sword, the Iron Rose, is now grandfathered into the Hollowcrafting plugin.

• Backstory added to.

• Relations Updated!
Moved Foxbells from 'Disliked' to 'Acquintances.'
Moved Valtae from 'Acquintances' to 'Liked'
Added Flourish, Star, Malark, Xozu, Hakovi, Dauhmn, Aryn, Vidar, Hellmann, Bok'ra and Loriss.

Poke me for relations or relation updates =) It is difficult to keep track of so many names.

I am Wake

The Rose
Retired Staff
Birthday Update

Very small update, as the 21st (today) is mine and Lana's birthday. It felt right to give a small update.

• Lana is now 34.
• Theme changed back to 'the one that snaps' - Ruu
• Short term goals given more extensive list.
• Backstory continued with recent events.

I am Wake

The Rose
Retired Staff
Engagement Update

• Lana is now engaged to Linden.
• Added 'Warden' to Occupation.
• Added new fear of terrifyingly large monsters, such as the wyrms. Removed 'freezing to death' fear.
• Prodded backstory with grammar corrections across the board.

• Relations Updated!
Moved Maebh, Thryss and Xozu from 'Liked' to 'Close Friends.'
Moved Foxbells and Hellmann from 'Acquaintances' to 'Liked'
Moved Nikolche from 'Liked' to 'Acquaintances'
Moved Richard Varyn, Ronak Rothguard and Podric Flanders to 'Disliked.'
Given new descriptions to some notable relations.
Given links to newly formed profiles.

Added Raalvara, Dayton, Anwar, Marian, Elise, Ginnian, Kaar, Crucible, Elegance and Adora.

This update was heavily focused on relations.
I hope to add Lana's stats with the coming update for next time.
Please let me know here if I missed a relation or if you want an update =)

I am Wake

The Rose
Retired Staff
It has been a month since I last updated this Update

I really need better titles.

• Added Hollowstats section to make publicly available Lana's stats for you all!
• Lana is learning to speak Marjash.
• Goals updated.
• Backstory added to, completed a story arc.

• Relations Updated!
Moved Branko from "Liked" to "Disliked."
Moved Hellmann from "Liked" to "Close Friends."
Moved Loriss, Vidar, Anwar and Eimar from to "Liked."
Moved Leonhard Ironwood / The Golden Count from "Disliked" to "Acquintances."
Removed Felsummer and Leonce due to being banned players. I could not remove Rook, however, due to Lana's history.
Added Helena, Ruvan, Nuvan, Lorabella, Luna, Helvar, Monty, Raelur and Freia

I am Wake

The Rose
Retired Staff
Sunbright Update:

• General formatting, making large walls of text and links more spaced apart.
• Lana's hand no longer glows. Bond of Love was updated to be a ribbon.
• Lana now fears Jishrim.
• Mar'jash lessons are coming along nicely!
Lana is now decent at speaking the Sooleran tongue.

• No more fence sitting. Lana worships the Figment of Magic with more dedication now. A Blessed profile was made.
• Lana has a new sword! Updated weapons section.
• Small level up in stats.
• Backstory added to.
• Added semi-NSFW (contains covered booba) to Linden's relation.

• Relations Updated!
Illyrana and Xozu moved from "Close" to "Liked."
Raelur, Thordil, Abraham, Lilith and Quill moved from "Acquaintances" to "Liked"
Cassandra moved from "Acquaintances" to "Disliked"
Added Granny Jade, Aelnic, Fita, Andrew and Erwin.
Some descriptions have been updated.

An important explanation on how Lana differs "Liked" to "Acquaintances."

Lana may admire and like someone who is an acquaintance, such as Avalyn (Juvix_), Ruckus (ZeroOrgan) or Fi (Opal). These are people I would very much like to move to "Liked." However, the reason this has not happened is because the "Liked" section is akin to 'friends.' Lana knows next to nothing about these acquaintances aside from a few basics, such as Ava being the daughter of Raigo, Fi makes the best frogge bred and Ruckus being... well, a kind-hearted ruckus. If she knew more about them, she would consider them friends, as it is unfair to do so currently. She wants to know these people better, yet is a tad reclusive in comparison to other characters.

If Lana was not reclusive, she would not value her friendships so highly.

For example, she visited Maebh (Magic Intern) a lot in the past-- and learned quite a lot from Maebh, whom gave her emotional stability when she lacked it the most. For this, Lana forever will be friendly with Maebh... unless Maebh kills her dog or something.
Point is: it takes a lot to change Lana's relation. There are rare instances where ANOTHER will change Lana's mind. Fairly recently, Lana became very fond of Thryss (Lenore) -- and as a result, discovered it was Ronak's (Mongoose) fault Thryss became infected with an Immortal Reacher. She also discovered through Ronak's ex-adopted children they percieved him as a bad father. Ronak's relation went IMMEDIATELY down to disliked.
This is a rare instance. I think it is very immersive and natural to Human behaviour-- as Lana is indeed a Human.

I love cultivating Lana's relation list like a garden.

I am Wake

The Rose
Retired Staff
Small update:

Lana has broken arms and legs. She cannot move for two OOC weeks.

I really, really do not think I will be getting much Roleplay for a while.

Unless someone gets her a wheelchair and pushes her around~

• Lana has broken arms and legs.
• Removed Wendigo Scar and Spiritblessed Scars. Milah removed those with magic.
• The Silver Rose has been cursed by Bok'ra.
• Backstory added to
(I should really rename it to 'Story' in the next update)

• Milah has been moved to "Loved"
• Kublai has moved to "Close" from "Liked."
• Marceau moved to "Liked" from "Close" due to lack of seeing one another.

• Description changed for Raelur and Bok'ra.


Loyal Servant of Altera
Is she in linistel? Granny has no problem getting a wheelchair and carting her around if granny can get to her. Or taking her to the landing and having her wheelchair into the tavern where she can at least talk to people.

I am Wake

The Rose
Retired Staff
Okay, I decided to fix a few things I mentioned in the last post so

Another Small Update:

together, they make just a normal update

Slight Relations Overhaul:

• Replaced 'Close' with 'Greatly Favored.'
• Added new section: "Great Friends."
• With Great Friends, Greatly Favored and Disliked relations, I have added a reason as to why they are there.

The reason I added the new section is because there were some 'Liked' or 'Close' that Lana valued more than others in the same place. People Lana favor, for example, may not be people Lana see's very often-- but will be willing to hide secrets or fight for them.

Kam, Frost, Cyrus, Maebh, Thryss, Hellmann and Kublai moved to "Great Friends."

Gerard, Kopii, Thure, Marceau, Illyrana, Azalea, Katherine, Asero, Daeron, Kethron, Kadhab, Orro, Xozu, Malark and Raelur moved to "Greatly Favored."

Fi and Avalyn moved to "Liked."

fogge bred

Minor Profile Edits:

• Lana's favourite place is now 'Pre-Undawn Linistel' as oppose to just... Linistel.
• Lana's least favourite place is no longer Storms Landing, but Nid Arach.
She has never been there. That is how much she hates it.
• Renamed "Backstory" to "Story" given I keep updating it with Lana's story.
• Renamed 'Modern Arc' with 'Undawn Arc' as these are Lana's current stories entwined with the event chain.