Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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ldyson59- application. [Declined-Man5791]

About me.
1. What is your Minecraft username?
2. How old are you?
3. Where are you?
4. Have you read our guides yet?
5. Introduce yourself!
I'm Lottie, I'm still at school, no job (I'm too lazy). I game alot (mainly Xbox and Minecraft). I also read a lot of Fantasy and Adventure books. This will be my first role-play server, so you'll have to help me out.My roles on Minecraft are usually Farmers, Soldiers or Assassins. I will probably be on here a lot, so you'll find it hard to get rid of me xD
6. Got any examples of your work?
About my Character.
Name: Catrin (cat)
Age: 16
Appearance: Basically a female version of Altiair or Ezio from Assassins Creed, with long, ginger hair.
THE TEST (Epic music plays)
I quickly hopped from roof to roof, ducking behind chimneys to avoid the occasional guard. As I recognised my target, it wasn't difficult to find his house.I paused, listening for foot steps through the open window. Silence filled the moonlit night, and I breathed a sigh of relief, so far, so good. I swung in through the window and crept to the door. This is the hardest part, I remember my master telling me to breath slowly, and to tread lightly. I crack open the door to see my target sat a desk, flicking through books. I sneak up behind him and put my knife to his throat.
'Any last words?' I ask, wanting to relish the moment.
'What do you want from me?' He whispers, afraid.
'I don't want anything from you' I reply, ' You are just another coin in my pocket'
(I'm not an assassin by the way, just a pickpocket, a thief nothing more, and nothing less)