Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Left 4 dead 2 FREE on steam


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
I'm so glad a good bunch of my friends got this, shame HWers didn't see this earlier xD


Lord of Altera
I know the following post isn't meant to be about Dead Island, but;

I have to say that Dead Island was not very good at all. IMO the game was made very lazily, despite Deep Silver only being an indie company. Don't tell me that you played the game fully without any problems without some kind of mod (if those even exist. I played it on PS3, so I wouldn't know.) Yeah, the advert was lovely, and killing zombies is always fun, but I think the game needed a lot more work if it wanted to be thought of as an important zombies video game.

Sadly, I heard that Riptide's gameplay isn't much better, although I didn't buy it so I might be wrong.
Me and Ghost played it together, and it was fun, and yes @Yoda the advert was amazing and made me cry :<

But the game is awful.. oh man it was bad. Although I do like the song Sam B sung

language by the by



Lord of Altera
I remember at the beginning with the player monologues, Sam B felt depressed because "all they ever want to hear is 'Who do you voodo, bitch?'". Sounds like he needs to go mainstream and pay zombies to write songs for him.