Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Lillian's Dress Shop


Loyal Servant of Altera
Welcome to my Dress Shop! It has only recently opened so I am afraid I don't have many examples of my work. I have opened today because of the upcoming Alteran Ball and have already prepared a few dresses for the event! Unfortunately I will not be giving these away, I need to earn my rent to continue living in Port Silver, I am willing to haggle or trade the dresses or dress work for items (I am in need of wools, dyes and flowers for decoration purposes).

Base prices start at 100 Radiants




Current Dresses

All dresses I make can be customized to suit whoever wears it, and I will gladly take requests as well. I am much more experienced in dresses and would prefer requests that suit this, but I am willing to try make mens clothing as well.
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