Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Limbdash - the puny illusionist


Terrowy Lethold




Human. Limbdash is inherited from a wizard family.

5'9" (175cm)

185 lb (71 kg)

Long, brown hair. A bit shaggy

Limbdash has white eyes and extraordinarily light blue irises. Because of this and the fact that he’s very expressionless people often assume he’s blind(His eyesight is completely fine).


Identifying Marks:
Walks a bit odd, trying to take as little space as possible. Limbdash wants to make sure he doesn’t touch anything or anyone unintentionally.
Walks fast.
Small burning marks and cuts found all around his body. His tricks and acts often include knives, torches, candles and a bit of magic(sometimes causes green marks, blisters and nonclarified bumps).
Lack of expressions.
Twitching hands. Limbdash has the need to do something with his hands all the time.

Slightly smaller than an average grown man. Looks worn-out and suspicious but not like a thief. Is often mistaken to be older than he is. Limbdash isn’t very easy to approach because of his repulsive aura. People tend to be tense around him until he talks to them. After that Limbdash seems very much like a normal but a little twitchy poor man.

Limbdash is very handy with daggers, knives and bows. He’s good at doing illusions and small magic tricks, but tries not to show the full potential of his skills.
Limbdash can craft his own tools and make simple weapons.
Limbdash is very good at observing surroundings and other people. He’s aware about everything happening around him and reads peoples intentions from their gestures.
Limbdash is a fast runner and has a decent level of stamina. When his in a tight situation, he uses his skills efficiently to escape or trick the threatening person.

Weaknesses and fears:
Despite his swift hands and fast feet Limbdash is not very strong. He can’t rely on his strength when it comes to dangerous situations.
Limbdash genes allow him to practice some magic, but anything bigger than a small trick or an illusion is bound to be unstable and most certainly will fail. If you want Limbdash to set up a fire with his “magical powers”, prepare for the possibilities of burning your hair or getting a pile of wood explode on your face.
Limbdash is delusional and afraid of big crowds. He thinks someone is planning to rob or knock him out if he can’t monitor people around him. The amount of in him can be ridiculous.

Religion and cults:
Limbdash doesn’t consider himself being very religious, but is not afraid to show that he relies on Sallanna the goddess of fertility. He thinks she is the most forgiving god and thus the best safeguard of all gods.

From kid to young adult Limbdash was a shoemaker working with his father. After discovering his magical abilities he realized the benefits of being an illusionist (or a conjurer, as he often refers himself around strangers).
Now makes a living as an illusionist, having his little acts and asking money from the audience who enjoyed the show.

Limbdashes memories of his youth is mostly working as a shoemaker with his shoemaker mother and blacksmith father in their little workshop. He secretly started practicing magic and soon Limbdash was exercising his sleight of hand with bows, knives and daggers he had made himself. He started dreaming about having amazing adventures and becoming a great magician. Soon he had an accident when practicing his magic. A royal family’s wagon broke its wheel because of a backfired spell, causing Limbdash to get an army of guards after him. He ran away from his hometown and ended up in the wilderness. He has coped all these years alone and has learned to trust only himself.

I am going to expand the backstory and get more into it later. I put more effort into other parts.
Please tell me if there are some weird sentences. My english is not reliable :)
This is one of my favourite profiles so far; You remind me of the roleplayer I'd like to be.
I'm looking foward to you expanding of your backstory