Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Poster Looking for information on Earkstone


Based on what?
Retired Staff
posted in the landing's various locations and in Halbed nicer taverns.

Looking for information about Earkstone and it's uses. Willing to exchange or collaborate-on a project
Despite my status I ill admit to have only worked with the material sparsely.
I seek someone who could aid me.

Seek out frost at her smithy or send a letter to her post box in halbed to get in touch.​


"Something need doing?"
A notice is tacked onto this in response to Storm's Landing.

Thae Circle of thae World is currently lookin' intae thae buoyancy of various materials includin' Earkstone. Information tha' has sah far been gathered can be shared if sah desired. Please make ah formal request fer information through thae Sage Athryl Mithtanil of Candlewoo'.

- Oleg, Curator of thae Circle of thae World ah Candlewood​