Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Marthia9902's Whitelist App - [ Approved - Kostadim ]


Marthia9902's Whitelist App:
{Introduction Section}

Minecraft Username: Marthia9902

Age: 19

Country & Timezone: Eastern

Read the Kings Law, Code of Conducts, Official Lore, and the Player Guides?: Yes

Define Metagaming & Powergaming?: Metagaming is when a player abuses the knowledge that they have by giving it to their character. The character, in this case, has no logical way of knowing this information otherwise. Powergaming is when a player assumes their character will best another without giving the other character a fair opportunity. (ie throw the dice, don't be scared of taking the L)

Do we allow Xray mods or X-Ray texture packs?: No

Tell us about yourself!: I haven't roleplayed in probably 4 years. This will definitely be a bit of a culture shock. I like every type of music, love animals, and enjoy a good challenge. I am going into college and, simultaneously, have joined the military. I would like to say that as a person, I try to be fair to the best of my ability while still maintaining a stubbornly resilient approach to life.

Referral: I just stumbled upon it.


{Character Section}
Character Name: Revanda Wyldcliffe

Age: 35

Race: Sangrian

Appearance: Red hair, light-medium toned skin, olive-green eyes. Grey dress with a fur draped down her back, purple and gold scarf pulling back her hair, golden jewelry

(Optional) Picture of the Skin: Attach on the thread

Written Test (Min: 400 words): In her green eyes, you could see a soft presence. Something gentle, kind, and careful peeking up from the depths. She clung to the fur draped around her shoulders. “What can I do?” She spoke under her breath. He could barely hear her, only gathering what she said from the movement of her pale lips. The night was fairly young but still cold. It was cold and damp enough where the thick fabric that clung to her skin was not enough to block the wind’s chill. It was apparent she needed more. Taking off his coat and wrapping it around her, he ushered her to a tavern nearby. He knew there was no hope. The storm would not bring back her ship. That the crew she called a family would be unable to come back to retrieve her. This thought was overwhelming for him and incredibly painful for her. Her brows furrowed. With a gruff voice she muttered to him, “Would it be too much to ask for a drink? I know everyone knows of my predicament. Word travels fast and these people… neither snow nor sun could break them.” He shook his head. “No, no. It is fine to ask, always is. You have been through it today.” The two sat down at a table near the bar. The man lifted his hand, gesturing to the bartender that they were ready. A man of tall stature waddled himself over. “Now! What can I do ye’ for, lass?” “Just whatever you have most of is fine.” To which he nodded. “And you?” He lifted a glance to the man. “Oh come now, man. You know what I want.” The bartender smiled. “Of course. Will be back soon ‘nough. Just have to swing ‘round the ‘est of ‘em.” Again, he waddled off. Upon closer observation, one could hear the thump of a peg-leg. “Now…” She looked up upon hearing his voice shift its direction towards her once more. He was a kind looking man. Broad shoulders, a broad jaw, soft lips, a nose that jutted out from his face just enough to poke out an eye, and bright blue eyes. His hair and beard knotted up in brown heaps. A handsome gentleman if you stare long enough. “Let’s talk about the living situation. I know the tavern isn’t the safest place for a lass.” She perked up, “Are you saying I can’t fend for myself here?” Her eyes grew sharp, and she scoffed. “Who in Jax’s name do you think I am? A weak little guppy?"


Lord of Altera


I'm pleased to announce your application has been approved. I hope you enjoy your stay in Altera. Before logging on make sure you read the Survival Guide. It will help you on your way to get established in our World. If you need to know any additional information, everything can be found in our King's Law. Make sure you consult either of these two before asking a question in-game or on discord.

+You are probably eager to jump into the game, so there is no need to read all the links. Just use these as a reference for later.+

Survival Guide - Read this to help when you login!
The King's Law
How to Create a Character
The Official Lore
Town Census
HollowCrafting - Our Custom Crafting Plugin!
Plugins Command Guide
Donate to the Server!

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  • If you're stuck unable to interact with anything or chat, try using /warp whitelist, if this doesn't work then please message a staff member with the problem.
  • If you feel you'll have trouble getting familiar with the server, post below and I'll contact you in the most convenient way!
  • I'm your whitelist approver and a "PR Member." I'm here to help.